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Chapter 22


We decided that the best thing is to try figuring out the whole thing without having any advisors or elderly involved incase some of them are spies. To say the truth I don't completely agree with her. I think that at least the head of the Moon warriors should be involved but Leoni dismissed my suggestion. I didn't question it because it would start unnecessary suspicion from her.

We were having dinner alone when she suddenly looked at me from her stew. 

"You should go back home" Her tone was calm and kind but she wasn't asking me, she wasn't suggesting. She was ordering me to. 

I couldn't answer, I just looked at her bewildered. It been almost 2 weeks since I arrived here. I haven't really been any help here and truthfully there hasn't been anything going on except an anxiety that something might happen again.

"I will send more warriors with you and have you guarded in all time, we need to trigger them to do something so we can eliminate them as soon as possible" Leoni continued.

"I can't possibly agree on this, Goddess. I can't put my family in more danger" I mustered up all my courage. The Goddess scares me, especially then because her eyes went black- cold for a second. She didn't like what I said and she couldn't tolerate it.

That's the thing with Leoni. I respected her and liked her but she can't order me around like she does with the rest because technically I'm the highest leader in the werewolf community now. She is just doing my job until I'm ready. So basically I could ask for my position and they have to give it to me, unless the moon shows us that I'm not to the seat yet.

Ever since I arrived she has been treating me as if I'm underneath her. Not badly. Leoni is lovely and she does try to involve me in this issue but more than once, like just now she has ordered me to do things and this is not how it should be. I'm at least as much of a leader as she is yet I haven't even felt like her equal all this time I've been here.

More like a niece or something. This hit me when I read history books in the main library about the previous Goddesses. I wanted to know if something like a rebellion happened before I had a vague memory about it from a History lesson. I wished I paid more attention to class at that time but I didn't know I was the Goddess at that time and that I needed it.

What I found out that around the time the second world war was heading to its end. The werewolf community was in chaos. The Goddess Fei was gone. This I knew about, her human boyfriend was killed in the war and The Goddess had found her actual mate who was the general, a werewolf who was responsible for her boyfriends death. Goddess Fei was gone for 4 days until found dead in her house that she bought with her human boyfriend. Goddess Fei was only 21 years old. It said that she committed suicide. This tragic story of was known by everyone but looking more into it. Apparently her mate didn't die. Many, including me didn't blame him for what happened. How could he possibly know? 

I found Fei's sisters diary in the very back of the library in the room only the Goddess is allowed to enter. I wouldn't even know it existed if it was for my boredom and I read the rules of the mansion. The room was locked with magic, I only needed to push the wall for it to open. It took me two days to find it. 

Goddess Fei had a sister called Jei. In her diary she writes about the rebellion and how long it had been going on. Fei was only 15 years old when she was chosen by the moon so the previous Goddess Tilde held her position until Fei was 17 years old but according to Jei, Fei wanted her position earlier which she talked through with Tilde first before making it official. Tilde had convinced Fei to wait a little longer with taking her place as a Goddess and only days later the rebellion started. 

This was a connection that Jei didn't conclude but me. It was weird. If Fei felt ready then Tilde was automatically not the Goddess anymore. What's more weird is that Fei's human boyfriend, Johannes left her. They had been together since they were children and even though Fei knew that she had a mate out there somewhere she was prepared to leave a part of herself for him. Her family according to Jei stood by her. 

It was a love like no other, so how come Johannes who knew who Fei really is since years back suddenly leaves her? Jei thinks it's the group of rebellions who were behind his departure but that's the thing, how did they know of Johannes. Jei wrote that Fei's relationship was very secretive and that only family knew about it. 

How come Johannes ended up in Germany, in a war area? How come that Fei's actual mate was "coincidently" the one who is responsible for his death and why was Fei gone before any of it happened? Jei even wrote that no one told them how Fei died and before they knew it Tilde was back becoming the Goddess.  

Jei was baffled and saddened by the whole situation. Before she and her family left the council they got to met Fei's mate at her funeral. Maximus did seem very affected as Jei described but something she found odd is that he didn't seem distraught. Not like a mate who just lost the other piece of himself should look like... especially if he was part of why she was getting buried. She explained that it might be because the two never became fully mates but that brings me to me next point. Did Maximus ever meet Fei? How did they all know for sure they were mated? 

Jei's last words in her diary were "My heart is uneasy, I miss Fei every second, every bit of my being longs to being able to hug her again... Fei is dead and it feels like it was all meant to be. Planned even."

Her words were vague but... It seemed all very suspicious because the rebellion just vanished after Tilde reclaimed her place. Jei left her diary at the council and it somehow made its way in the private library that only Goddesses have access to. That means a Goddess had hidden it there. It's either Tilde, Daniela or Leoni. Goddess Daniela was probably the kindest Goddess in the history. She stepped down after she became unstable mentally. It is said that she blamed herself for not making a perfect world for the werewolves. She wanted the best for everyone. Her aunt Tiffany, a moon warrior took over until Leoni was chosen. Since Tiffany never was a Goddess it couldn't be her, Daniela was very unlikely too.

Which is why I'm very careful around Leoni now. My situation is very similar to Feis'. 

"It's for the best" Leoni tried convincing me.

Putting me in danger? The Goddess? Not to mention my family? I'm not an idiot.

"I'll stay here for now, let me think about it for a few days. I need to prepare myself for its dangers" I had to show her that I still trusted her because I had entirely different plans. 

I was leaving this place tonight.

Maybe this is was Fei did, she tried saving herself but failed.


© October 30th 2016

I'M FINALLY BACK! I'm so, so sorry for my hiatus but many things happened in my personal life. I almost lost my mother and I just want to remind those who have a mother to hug her and to tell her much you love her. 

After that all my technical devices decided to stop working on me but it's FINALLY HERE!

I'm so happy (THANK YOU SO MUCH) with how much love this book is getting, more than what I ever thought I would get to be quite honest, so I decided to reveal the cover of the sequel (?).

It will be under the category "Paranormal" and that is all I can say at the moment! Hope you enjoyed this chapter my special snowflakes!♡

It will be under the category "Paranormal" and that is all I can say at the moment! Hope you enjoyed this chapter my special snowflakes!♡

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