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Chapter 5

"Goddess are you okay?" Henry asked me, I look horrified at him. Humans were around. The can hear us.

"Goddess? Leah what was that for stunt you just pulled?" Selma questioned.

"Pouring water over Gabriel? Do you have a death wish?" Nina exclaimed.

I was surrounded by people, everyone demanded answers from me. Suddenly a swarm of werewolves left the cafeteria. They all rushed up to me, pushing away Eric and his gang.

Everyone started showing their concern to me and I was just overwhelmed. Henry noticing how uncomfortable I was asked everyone to give me space and lead me out to a table.

Eric, Nina, Selma, Ken and Teo followed us. They looked confused.

"I don't want to force you but would you please explain?" Eric urged. He took off his cardigan and wrapped it around me.

Henry mindlinked me  'should I ask them to leave?' 

I'm not sure what I should do but it's for the best if Henry isn't around. 

'No Henry, you can go I'll deal with this. Thank you for earlier' He nodded 'It's my duty' and then marched away.

"Wait hold up what just happened?" Ken asked with a hint of excitement hidden in his voice.

"I-, please sit down first" I started. After all of them sat down around the table I took a deep breath and anxiously asked "I'm sorry guys, I think I can trust you but I can't tell you everything" I felt guilty. I'm not sure how this friendship thing works since I never really had any for reals, except for Scar... but I know friends are supposed to be honest to each other. 

Eric who sat on the same side of the bench gave me an assuring pat on my back "you can definitely trust us" he gave me a warm smile and I immediately felt better. "You don't have to push yourself to tell us everything but we are called the power rangers for a reason you know" Nina giggled and flicked with her red hair. 

I can't tell them yet but I do think they deserve some kind of explanation.

"I'm not human but that's all I can tell you, no specifics" I looked at their shocked faces. It was kind of funny and I tried hard not to giggle at their face expressions. 

"That's not funny" Teo muttered.

"No it's not because it's true" I answered trying to sound as serious as possible. 

"Hold on, dayum gurl there is a difference between fantasy and reality" Selma explained, she turned to her friends looking concerned "I think she has schizophrenia", which seemed like fake worry.

Ah this is a mistake. I shouldn't have told them anything. Who am I to believe that I actually have friends. 

I stood up "I'm sorry"I mumbled and  took off Eric's cardigan, feeling humiliated even more than before but Eric stopped me before I could leave. He once again put the cardigan on my shoulders "Leah keep going" he encouraged "These idiots don't understand how serious this is, we believe you" he glared at his friends and made me sit down again. 

"So what's with the water?" Nina questioned.

"I can't tell you details but it's to keep me and Gabriel safe"  it seemed to make them even more confused "Why Gabriel?"

"He... is uhm, my soulmate" I looked down on my lap. This was awkward and tense. 

"Are you sure? I mean... It's Gabriel" Selma asked "Selma don't be rude" Ken interrupted. 

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