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Chapter 28


"Goddess–" I put a hand up "No, not now. I need to see my mate. Everything else can wait" I rushed through the crowd. 

Tasks and people were thrown on me from every damn side. I knew I had to sort out things. I knew that my issues are not solved. 

Leoni being one of them.

But I was the damn Goddess who hasn't been able to see her mate in over a month. I needed him. Now.

After the ball I just walked away from it all. I was followed though.

Zeid found me and was standing in the hallway. Silent. Like a big brother who was waiting for an explanation. 

I was frustrated. "Call me ridiculous, call me selfish, call me shameless, judge me all you want. I know I'm not being responsible. But I really need to see Gabriel" I cried out the last part. I felt how all my energy was drained.  

Zeid didn't say anything. He just nodded and started to show me the way. 

I followed him. I trusted him fully. I knew he would take me to the person I wanted to see the most. 

I saw her on the screen. With her blue dress. She changed. She was radiant, confident and powerful. 

I was kind of relieved that the blonde hair I saw her in earlier was fake and that her long black hair was falling around her shoulders. 

I love her hair. I wanted to spend hours just touching it and playing with it. 

I felt a bit proud. I knew I was part of helping her achieve greatness. Just a bit and it was a comfort to know that I was of use for her. She was the Goddess after all. 

I got a crash course in about the werewolf world. I finally knew what mates truly mean, why Leah poured the water on me. Why I felt an irresistible longing towards her. 

It made sense now. All of it. 

It was hard to take in of course. Not only is my father a werewolf. No my daughter and my mate is. 

My mate was the most powerful of them all on top of that. 

Even seeing her all royal and grand like that on screen didn't really make me fully understand just how important Leah is. 

She is important to me. She is basically my life but to know that there are millions of werewolves who worshipped her will be odd to get used to. 

Not sure if I ever will get used to it. 

Despite of everything the one thing I wanted most was to see her again.

I missed her so bad that I could feel my soul being in pain. As crazy as it sounds, I was not exaggerating. Every fiber of my body wanted to see her again. 

Needing to clear my head I left the room and Dalia who was soundly sleeping and went to take a walk in the forest. 

It always helps me to calm down. 

When I stepped outside I was welcomed by the chilly dawn air. It was almost 4am and I hadn't slept for almost 2 full days. 

I couldn't. 

My body and mind were tired but I was too scared, too worried and too nervous to sleep. Another reason I needed Leah so bad. 

I needed to make sure she was fine so I could finally put my heart to ease. 

I didn't make it far before I heard a voice behind me

"Gabriel" I froze. It was Leah's sweet and calm voice. I was too scared to look back. I was scared, What if it was only my imagination. Lack of sleep can do things to a person. 

I heard footsteps and the voice called out for me again "Gabriel" this time Leah was closer and her voice was shaking as if she was crying. 

I took a deep breath and turned around. 

There she was. 

My beautiful Leah. 

We didn't move. All we did was stare at each other. Leah was crying. 

Yet she was breathtaking. My memory of her didn't do her justice. Seeing her in flesh again I realised just how gorgeous she really was. 

"You left me" I whispered after a while. 

Leah bit her lip. "I know I'm sorry"

"You lied to me" 

"I didn't, I–" I shook my head. I didn't want her to explain.

"You hid so much. Things I had a right to know about. I was in the dark, Leah. I couldn't help you."

Leah was sobbing. It hurt me to see her like that but I was in pain. I needed her to know this. I needed to say it. 

"Dalia suffered, I suffered and you suffered." I continued. 

"I understand why you did it though. I know you did it for me" I took a few steps closer to my mate. "I wish you didn't, I wish you had trusted in us" I was now right in front of her. 

A bit hesitant to touch her but I took her my arms. She was shaking.  

"I don't know when it happened." I looked into her dark eyed. I wiped away her tears. 

"You came crashing into my life. Became a part of it. All of it and then you left. That's when I knew that I needed you there. Always, right by my side. I want you to want me."

I  rested my forehead on hers. I was still whispering. 

"I hope you accept me because I'm completely and utterly in love with you"


© April 18th 2017 

A confession a'la Gabriel style hahaha. I guess he won't ever not be arrogant? Hihihi but we all love him~


Y'all I wrote this chapter just to talk about an encounter I had with this guy today lol.

Story time;

I ran to the bus, I managed to get a seat in the rather full bus and this guy who was running right behind me didn't so he was standing on the empty space in front of my seat so while reading on wattpad  I glanced at him because damn boy was fine af. 

He was tall, lean and build. He was drop dead gorgeous. His jaw is a killer. So trying to concentrate on the book I was reading I felt a pair of eyes on me. His.

He was literally starring at me for like 25 minutes. So I decided to sneak looks at him hahaha and sigh he was so beautiful. By then I noticed that an older lady saw our glances and she was giving me a knowing smile but then he got off and this lady was looking at me like ??? Gurl you not gonna get off?

Which I seriously considered but I'm too shy and lazy so I just stared at him walking past the bus.

Real life is nothing like in books, oh well it's okay.

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