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Chapter 17

"Nina!" I tried to get the attention at the pretty redhead infront of me. It seemed like she re-dyed her hair red recently seeing how it was even more red than usual. Nina grinned at me and came up to me "I love your hair today!" I noticed that she wasn't wearing her glasses "Thank you, love. I'm trying to change my look a little without changing too much, you know?" I nodded at her question as I entered the cafeteria. "You look stunning". 

I haven't been here since the incident of meeting my human mate. I had no idea last week that my life would change so much. Meeting my -partly- human mate and becoming a mother. 

Dalia is resting and it seems like the shift is going along just fine. Amanda, her doctor has said that it will take her a few more days to be completely shifted and she would finally wake up.

Since I contacted the council this morning that I wasn't planning to leave my daughters side until she was awake and running. I and Gabriel, for that matter had pretty much nothing to do and since we still are high school students as Henry kindly reminded us we decided that going to school might be a good idea. 

"I heard you collapsed the other day from Eric, I hope you feel better" Nina gave me a concerned look. I saw people staring at us but I got used to it already. The incident will be old news soon enough I tried to encourage myself.

"I never felt better" I smiled at Nina, I was speaking the truth after a good and long sleep with my mate I have never felt more energised and at ease. Speaking of my mate. I looked around the cafeteria but he was not here yet.

Me and Nina sat down at a table the same time Ken and Selma came into the cafeteria "BELLA!" Selma screamed when she saw me. I laughed at her unexpected nickname for me. I didn't give a crap about the whole cafeteria staring at the tall brunette who ran up to me. 

Selma swept me into a tight hug while Ken gave me a nod. I smiled at him. 

"what's with the sour expression Kenny?" Nina asked with a pout. Treating the handsome asian infront of her like a kid. 

"He is angry at me because I decided to take a trip with my family instead of celebrating our anniversary" Selma said from next to me. She flicked with her long locks and glared at Ken.

"Oh you guys are in a relationship?" I asked dumbfounded "Yeah it'll be 3 years next month but we used to be childhood friends and we aren't exactly touchy" Selma muttered "but might as well end this relationship since this yellow boy is too whiny." She dismissed Ken before he could say anything and turned around to me "you know he isn't even romantic, what's the point of spending our third anniversary together when he isn't even doing anything special?" Selma complained "all he wants to do are things we used to do as friends"

"I can hear you" I could hear Ken mutter from next to Selma "I'm doing this on purpose" she yelled at him and I was surprised at Ken laughing instead of getting scared like I was.

"I'm sorry pizza, go on your trip and I'll make it up to you. I promise" Ken kissed the back of Selma's hand.

"Pizza?" I giggled "Yeah you become pretty racist" Nina made quotation marks at the racist part "when you hang out with the one and only Selma" Nina continued as she laughed from the other side next to me. 

"That's why you called me bella?" I looked at Selma who was eating the food in front of her that she stole from me "Yeah I'm italian, you can't tell from my world renown beauty and elegance?" Selma made a model pose before she gave me an air-kiss and returned to eating my food.

At this very moment I caught myself being happy. 

Like genuinely happy. I've been this sincerely happy unfortunately very few times in the past years. I never knew that meeting my own power rangers would bring me so much joy and actually change me to the better under such short amount time.

I smiled at my friends in font of me. My heart doing a jolt of happiness when I thought of the word friends.

I somehow sensed that my mate came into the cafeteria and I looked up to see that I was right. I tried meeting Gabriel's eyes but as soon he spotted me he ignored me.

I gape at my mate who suddenly turned cold again as he sat down next to Scarlett who gave me a glare. 

I didn't want to jump conclusions. I didn't want to think he hurt me on purpose.

Maybe he had a reason...

Eric sat down "Still cold between you two?" He asked after looking between me and Gabriel who sat 3 tables away from us. 

"No... I don't understand" I couldn't think properly. I couldn't come up with a reasonable conclusion to why he became so cold all of the sudden. 

"I'm sorry I'm interrupting you deeptalk about you hottie but I need to go and meet my partner for next class to prepare" Nina stood up and then bend down to kiss my cheek. I was shocked at her gesture but no one else was so I guess it must be normal for her to do so. 

I smiled at her "don't worry about it" Nina started walking away but stopped  "Ah before I forget, do you guys want to hang out today? Just we girls" She looked apologising at our male company but they couldn't come anyway since I was told earlier that they were going to watch Teo compete over the weekend "It's Friday after all, you can sleep over too" at first I wanted to decline her offer but when I spotted Gabriel's back in the corner of my eye I decided that I probably can't do this once Dalia wakes up from her coma "sure" after Selma also accepted her offer.

"Perfect, Selma can give you my number and we can talk about details later, I have to rush now" Nina was gone before any of us could answer. 

"Leah" I heard a voice say from behind me, I recognised her scent immediately. Melanie, Gabriel's sister.

"Melanie, hey!" I gave her the same big grin she was giving me before she sat down on the seat Nina was occupying before. 

"Why aren't you sitting with my brother?" she nodded at Gabriel "Didn't he like spend 2 nights at your place?" 

Selma gasped at the new information "Gurl, he did what?"

"Well, yeah well we kinda did–" I suddenly realised that everyone around the table has misunderstood the situation "I'm mean we didn't do anything" I looked panicked at them.

"We only slept together" I hastily said and Eric chocked on his food. While Selma screamed "You what!"

Melanie giggled next to me "I had no idea he had it in him"

"Wait no, no!" I tried to get their attention but Eric was still coughing, Ken was trying to help him. Selma was indeed looking at me while Melanie looked like a crazy lady giggling and mumbling to herself about the situation.

"GUYS!" I yelled noticing that I got more attention than I asked for seeing that even Gabriel and his table looked at me "we only slept, nothing else– just sleeping" I whispered as I leaned closer weary of my surroundings.

Melanie started laughing out loud "He really is a loser" she cried in between laughs.

"Anyway I haven't even introduced myself, I'm Melanie" she said to my friends. My friends.

After short introduction Selma asked Melanie if she wanted to join our girls night at Nina's which Melanie happily agreed to. 


Before we parted for our classes, I gave desperately looked at Gabriel again in hopes he'll show any kind of affection he did this morning when left for school but he didn't even look at me when he passed me by. Instead of quietly waiting for an explanation like I should've I did something incredibly impulsive and unlike me in every way.

I kicked him.


© December 5th 2015


I'm basically updating everyday. The reason why? Is because I've gotten amazing response in forms of views, votes and comments the past few days that really motivated me to write. 

Thank you so, so much. I'm not exaggerating if I say that I get teary eyed everytime I see notifications or the viewing number increasing.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter my precious snowflakes!

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