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Chapter 29


I don't think I fully understood what Gabriel was telling me. Or rather confessing.

He loves me?

No way.

I tried to take a step back. I wanted to look at him but Gabriel held unto me. 

Maybe it's better not see his face. Instead I hugged him. 

"I can't believe it" I whispered back. Maybe not the best way of replying to your soulmate's love confession. 

Gabriel chuckled and hugged me back. He rested his head on my head since I was shorter than him. I think we both needed the hug. A lot. 

"I love you Leah, I really do. I love you so much it hurts" Gabriel looked now right into my eyes. He was genuine about his feelings. I could feel it. 

I finally registered what he was telling me and a wave of emotions came crashing down on me. Before I knew it I was crying again.

"I love you, Leah" Gabriel confessed again. It's like as if he can't say it enough or maybe he is just trying to show me that he indeed loves me. As unbelievable as it may seems.

Instead of answering with words I decided I show him my answer.  I pulled down his head and kissed him. 

I was taken aback of the electricity that came with our lips touching for the first time. Nothing has ever made me feel so alive. So real. It was so strong I had to stop the kiss. Both of us looked at each other with the same expression. 

We knew exactly what happened. We felt whole. It felt so right. 

Gabriel smiled. It was a cheeky smile. I smiled back and then my mate dived into another kiss before I could think of something else. 

Because everything else became unimportant in his arms. All I could think of is that I loved him and that I rather be dead if I wasn't with him. 


She was back. It's not a dream. She was actually here with me. 

I thought back on our first kiss just now. I thought I would die just then and there. There were unexplained emotions rushing through me but I knew one thing after the kiss.

Leah is truly my other half. Without her life isn't worth living. Without her, I wasn't alive. 

I couldn't even imagine of not having a future with her and Dalia. 

I looked down on the small creature that sensed me and looked at me. She gave me one of her blinding smiles and I thought that my heart would stop. 

All fatigue and stress I was under before were gone now that Leah was back. I could probably live on her love. 

I reached to hold her hand. I wanted to constantly hold her hand. I felt empty without her touch. It was like a drug I needed more of. 

As soon as we touched again I felt the sense of euphoria that I felt earlier. 

It's strange. Before when we touched, it felt good. It felt addicting but now I genuinely felt like I owned the whole universe when I touched her. Now when we touch it was filled with emotions I could barely understand myself. 

It felt unreal but it was real. All of it. 

I was smiling like an idiot. I dip my head towards her again. Claiming her lips for a short kiss. I just couldn't help myself. I wanted to do it over and over again. 

midnight-ful ( Human Male Mate )Where stories live. Discover now