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Chapter 16

She was dying.

I really wanted to use my werewolf abilities to get to Dalia faster but I couldn't nor did I want to leave Gabriel behind. We both needed each other.


The possibility of her dying was always there, we knew it could happen. The shift might been rejected from her body or she was simply too weak.

We knew it could happen but I never imagined it to actually do happen.

I still can't.


We finally reached her room where Amanda was injecting Dalia with something and her monitor was going crazy. I couldn't move, I was paralyzed by the door, Dalia was huffing and struggling to stay alive and there was nothing, absolutely nothing I could do.

I felt Gabriel grab my hand again since I let go of him as soon as we reached the room Dalia was staying at. I felt comforted immediately, the tingles were still there– weird the mate bond should be numb right now.

I almost slapped myself for thinking about something totally different when my own daughter might die right in front of us.

I'm a complete mess.

"This is very weird, she shouldn't be reacting like this" Amanda said to us after she was done injecting the substance in Dalia. Dalia seemed to calm down a little.

"She was healthy enough, either your blood is too strong or he–" Amanda looked at my mate "has werewolf blood" I gasped and looked at my mate. He wasn't supposed to know this.

But he didn't look surprised or terrified. In fact he looked like he kind of expected it.

"This is fully possible" he announced. I don't know how much of this heart-stopping moments I can take. "What?" I said at the same time as Amanda nodded and gestured for him to continue.

"My father, he could've been a werewolf" he said the last part as if he was tasting the word.

Suddenly I remembered that his mother knew about the mate bond "Yes this could be it!" I said excited for the new info that might be a help.

"My mother knew about us, the mate thing or whatever it's called and the midnight-ful" Gabriel sighed. I suddenly noticed how incredibly tired he looked.

I realised that I wasn't doing him a favor at all. In fact he must've lost a lot of sleep worrying about Dalia and thinking about this situation, us.

I felt sorry to my mate whom I hurt. I couldn't do anything right.

Gabriel looked down at my hands because I was shaking so much. I didn't notice.

I was scared, on the edge on of fainting in fact. However I needed to be strong. It's mainly my fault Dalia was in this state. I needed to at least try to save her.

"In that case we need to know who your father is" Amanda said. Gabriel nodded and looked for his phone.

He took a deep breath before calling his mother.


"Alpha Nils from the north" Gabriel said after explaining in super speed why he needed the information for his mother "my mother is coming" he whispered to me, for no reason at all but to have me involved. Make me feel that I'm part of his life. That I needed to know this.

"Alpha Nils?" Amanda breathed out, I knew what she was thinking. This is getting more complicated by the minute. Alpha Nils was strong, very strong in fact. His blood must be the reason why Dalia is dying, normal werewolf blood is not strong enough especially mixed with his human mothers traces. 

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