Chapter 1; closer and closer

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Holiday Summers POV;
I don't know how long I've been walking.  This hallway seems to go on forever.  Further and further, closer and closer.  I wish it would all just come to an end.

"Closer, closer and closer!  Don't the walls just keep getting closer?" said a voice, but whose voice I'm alone, aren't I?  The voice seemed familiar somehow, but I don't know where I've heard it from.  Rather than pondering it for however long I'll be in here I decided to try and remember a few things such as my name, my age, my friends, my family.  Why am I wearing a light blue hospital gown?

    My memory only goes back to waking up and walking through these halls. There were countless rooms but that's just what they were, rooms or "dead ends" in my case.  Every room was only a windowless place and even if there was a door it just led to a smaller room.  I decided from the first room(the one I had woken up in) that  I would leave all of the doors open to mark I'd been there.
    This would also help me know if I was walking in circles.  Despite there not being anything nor anyone around I was constantly getting the sense of being watched.  I looked up at the ceiling-nothing, walls-nothing, behind me-nothing.  Everything was blank, yet I felt like something or someone was watching or even worse following me.  Shaking this thought off I attempted to calm myself saying that it was all in my head.  This helped a little but the thought still bugged me. 

    Walking along I came across another door, opening it revealed a room just like the others.  This one also had a door which I knew would just lead to another small room.  Inside this one was different though it had a window on the other side of the door.

    A girl was standing at this window, her face looked just about as shocked as I felt.  She had dark hair, and blue eyes.  Her hair wasn't brushed and dark bags under her eyes showed that she hasn't slept.  She had a light blue hospital gown just like me.  Perhaps what happened to me also happened to her?

    After a few seconds I find myself staring at her, how rude of me.  Yet she was staring too.  This made me uncomfortable so I moved a little and so did she.  We moved in the exact same way, at the exact same time, to the exact same place.  Walking up to the window to see if she'd follow this move, she did.  I touched the window and her finger met mine, she had the exact same scar on her index finger as me.  This isn't a window... It's a mirror. 

    I look dreadful, my feet are bare, my hair a mess, I look like I haven't eaten in days.  What if I haven't eaten in days?  I mean I wouldn't know, would I?   Who knows how long I was asleep in that room before I woke up, then how long have I been walking around here.

    Leaving the room I slightly closed the small mirror-door. The reflection of the girl scared me.  I continued  on my way, not long after I heard something.

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