Chapter 24; Declined?

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Kate breadlock POV;
Uncontrollable tears rushed down my face then the phone in my hand beeped three times, she....hung up?  I sat there for a few moments, not knowing if I should call again or just leave it.  I decided to leave it for a bit and try to calm down, Kyle was at work while Sebastian and Catie had gone to school.  I made myself  some hot chocolate and stopped my tears, though I still had tear stains on my cheeks and my eyes still sting from crying so much.

It had been some time so I picked up my phone and selected Caroline's name.  The phone rang for some time then it was declined.  Worrying, I texted Coraline,

What's wrong with Caroline!?  Is she Okay!?

She's Fine it's just.....David took her
phone, hung up on you not her.
I promise

David?  Who's that?

Oh right, David is Carol's husband,
It was an arranged marriage..

I gasped, she's in an abusive arranged marriage! Out of instinct I texted back,

Well if you girls ever need a
place to stay and get away from him,
my door is always open!

Thank you Kate, I'll tell Carol
When she wakes up(she fell asleep
crying)well anyways I gotta go
Dave is coming back.

Okay, no problem, talk to you later

I Put my phone in my pocket and went out to get in the car. It was time to pick Catie and Sebastian up from school.

Catie looked worn out when she got in the car and Sebastian looked sad.
"What's wrong dears?"
"We're learning our multipl-ica-tion things and it's super hard!"  Catie complained, I smiled slightly then turned to Sebastion.  He sighed,

"Well we're doing this family tree thing but...what about Jessie?" he looked at me in the eyes worried.  Catie looked at him confused,

"But Jessie is just at a friend's house?" 

Sebastian looked at her annoyed,
"No she's not!  I'm tired of hiding it!  Jessie's gone!  She was taken!" he blurted out, Catie's smile faded into a frown.  Tears threatening to spill out, she turned to me,

"Is-is this true mama?"  she asked, I agreed with point in hiding it now.

Slowly I nodded, her eyes filled with tears, and soon they were pouring down her face.  Sebastian pulled her close to him and hugged her.  I started on the drive home, the cat was out of the bag and there wasn't any way to get it back in.

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