Chapter 14; all together

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Taylor Martin POV;
I led the new people to the bedroom I was staying in with Five, he was sleeping soundly so when we stepped in the room I turned and put my index finger over my mouth then pointing to the sleeping baby.  They nodded, showing that they understood. In the clothes place I let them pick out clothes that they wanted to wear.

After they changed we headed to the room they would be staying in,

"Here you can just leave those clothes close to you so that Six can make your guy's necklaces for you tomorrow," I said pointing at their gowns.  They laid down and set the gowns down beside them. 

"If you need anything you know where I am, just be careful.  You'll meet everyone when we wake up."

I walked down to the kitchen to find out why Seven was taking so long. I found her staring at the overflowing glass in her hand.  I walked over to her, took the glass out of her hand, and turned off the water, she didn't stir.  I nudged her gently, and she jumped, looking up at me while rubbing her eyes. She's so tired. 

Setting the glass of water(which was filled to the brim) on the counter I reached my arms out to pick her up. She was a little leary but soon enough she let me lift her onto my hip.  I picked the glass up with my other hand while she rested her head on my shoulder.  Rather than risking spilling the water I poured some out into the sink then started on my way back up the stairs, Seven in one hand, and the glass in the other. 

When I got up to Six and Seven's room I went over to Six, she was sitting up in the bed.  Her face lit up when she saw Seven, I handed Six her glass of water.  Walked over to the other side of the bed and laid Seven(who was now fast asleep) down under the covers.  Telling Six goodnight I walked out of the room and into mine and Five's room. 

    He woke up crying when I walked in, his eyes looked around wildly.  I gently picked him up and rocked him slowly in my arms.  His head moved to the left then right, his eyes not moving.  He kept his eyes on me the whole time, then slowly but surely they started to close. 

"Shhhhh, it's okay baby, we're all here now.  We're all together, don't worry." I whispered to him, he hardly seemed to notice I said this.

    Setting Five back down in his crib I took a deep and quiet breath. 

"All together..." I whispered, a tired smile on my face.  Crawling back in bed, I closed my eyes and fell into a soundless sleep.

    The next morning Three was beside me in my bed.  He must have crept in here after I had fallen asleep.  I lightly shook him trying to wake him up, he groaned and moved closer to me.  Hugging me tightly he snuggled closely to my arm.

"C'mon Three, I gotta get Five too." I said to him, he opened his eyes slightly but just hugged me tighter.  I set him on my lap, his face laying over my shoulder.  This way I could stand up, by the time I was headed out of my room I had Three on one side of my hip and Five on the other side. 

At the sight of this, Four(who was also up) took Five from me so I could sit down beside her.  Although she first tried to get Three he didn't want to go so she just took the baby. 

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