Chapter 25; Found

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Holiday Summers POV;
In the 'morning'(we had decided that anytime we woke up it was morning seeing how the sky stayed dark), I got up and walked down into the living room.  Seven ran up to me, she said something upon seeing me that shocked me,

    "Mama Six!"  She shouted.  I stood there hugging her tightly, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her being my daughter.  Three turned to Two,

    "Does that mean I can call you Mama Two?"  he asked her, and she happily  nodded.  One hugged Four who had Five in her arms,

    "I love you mom!" She smiled, I guess we really are like one big family.

    A few days after this, Two, Three, Seven and I were out in the yard.  Three and Seven were playing together while me and Two watched and talked.  Out of nowhere Three dropped to his knees, Seven in fear ran to me.  Two rushed over to her son, she tried to communicate with him but he seemed to not be able to see nor hear her.

    She held him close and he wept in her arms, he was so scared.  Seven hugged me tighter, she too was scared for Three's safety.  To try and offer some comfort I put my arm around her pulling her closer.  When I looked back up from my daughter, Two had picked up Three, carrying him in her arms.  They headed inside so me and Seven followed behind them. 

    Four was talking with One while playing with Five when we walked in.  They all looked up in our direction as we stepped inside.  It did take a little bit for Five to figure out where we were for a second but he figured it out.

    "What's wrong? What happened to Three!?"  Four asked, concern in her voice.

"Blackout" Two said, taking Three up to his bed to rest.  I walked in with Seven hanging onto my leg, sitting next to me almost on me.  We all talked and laughed until we eventually decided it was time for bed.

    As days passed we all grew closer and instead of Three and seven calling us, "Mama Six and Mama Two" they just call us "Mama" now.  The more we spent time together the more I loved them.  I would do almost anything to protect them.

    When I first arrived here I thought I was all alone, that I would never be able to find anyone else.  This is what the voices told me, and at first I did believe them.  Then I met these 7 people, and it was the most amazing thing I can remember.  I now have a wonderful family with me. I can see I'm not alone, and I never will be!"

      "I wouldn't be so sure about that Holiday Summers..hehehe"

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