Chapter 21; ....Are we?

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Taylor Martin POV;
When we got back to the house Four was playing with Five and his new toys.  Seven and Three were playing with their new bubble thing, while Six and One were watching them to make sure they didn't get hurt.  I would have been out there, I should be out there... but there's just something on my mind that I need to decide who to ask.

    Four was a pretty good choice, but what would her reaction be?  I mean it's not like it is a bad question just something that would require a patient soul.  There wasn't a clear choice so I just went with Four, in my mind she was the safest option.

    Soon after I decided who to ask, Five got tired and fell asleep.  Four carried him in and sat down on the couch, with him in her arms.  I walked over and sat down beside her, she smiled while slowly rocking Five side to side. 

    "So do you think we'll ever go home?" I asked her, she turned to me then looked away.

    "I don't know dear.... Maybe we can find a way out of here, maybe we can't... we'll just have to wait and see."  her tone of voice gave me my answer, even if she herself didn't. 

    "We're not getting out of here.... Are we?"
    "Don't say that darling!  We'll find a way out I'm sure"

    "I-if you say so.... I'm just not so sure.. I just keep thinking we'll be stuck here forever and every time I tell myself we are getting out.... I'm always met with the same two words, questioning myself, 'are we?'  and I just don't know what to believe..."  Four looked at me, her teary eyes glessioning in the firelight.  She turned away to hide her face.  Before I knew it silent tears ran down my face as well as Four's. 

    No words were said as we just sat there and cried over the unpredictable future.  I know we don't remember anything from before here, but I feel like I'm leaving something behind staying here.  If we go back will we remember, or will we be lost still?

A few moments later Six, Seven, Three, and One came back in.  Four had fallen asleep with Five in her arms, I was sitting up in the arm chair, Three came up to me and climbed up on the chair, sitting beside me.  He hugged me close, shivering,

"Hey, are you okay?  You're freezing!"  he glanced up at me then rested his head on my shoulder.

    "C-cold"  He muttered, just loud enough I could hear.  I hugged him tighter and closer to try and warm him up.  Soon he fell asleep, his shaky breathing slowed down and cleared up.  I looked up at Six to see what she was doing, she was just talking with One, Seven was laying her head on her lap, she too was asleep. 

Four had woken up, handed Five(who was still asleep) to One and headed off to the...K-k... making food place to  If we are stuck here I'm happy it's with people I can trust.  I smiled and looked down at Three, still sound asleep. 

    After some time, Four called us in to eat.  However, when we walked in she wasn't there. A few seconds after walking in, she came out of the bathroom.  One ran up to her, and hugged her, she clarified that she just had a problem with her 'problem' as she said.  Six suggested that we should "dig in" in her words, so we all sat down and started to eat.

The food looked good, and it tasted just as good.  Six was sitting next to Seven, I was next to Three, and Four sat on the end, with Five in her lap, and One was on her other side.  The room was buzzing with basic conversations between people, Seven and Three ate in mostly silence.  Five cooed with just about every bite, this also caused Four to chuckle every time.

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