Chapter 2; Voices

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Holiday Summers POV;
"Hello!" it said, looking around frantically hoping to see the source of the voice, nobody...nothing. 

"H-Hello?" I said, half expecting nobody to answer , the other half expecting the same voice to.  Instead multiple voices answer, overlapping each other like children explaining who started the fight to their parents in the best way as to not get in trouble. 

Some said "Hello" while others said, "where are you going?" I didn't know how to answer that, so I just said what I knew as the truth.

"I don't know, I'm  trying to find an exit."  Silence, then after a few seconds of nothing said they exploded with laughter .
"WHAT?" I barked, through giggles they said, "Oh, You think you can escape!? NO! You'll be stuck here forever, with us!" they continued to giggle. 
"With you? What does that mean?" I asked, they fell silent.  I expected them to start laughing again, but they didn't, almost like they just disappeared.  Nothing else was said. 

    Walking in silence I started to get bored, counting the amount of steps then time it took to get to 100 then starting over again.  The echo of my footsteps seemed to be getting louder and louder as I went on.  The silence is so loud, I wonder how far this hallway goes. 

"Few feet then another door." said the familiar voice.  It was right after a few feet there was another door.  I opened it, a plain room just like the others, yet it wasn't like the others.  This one had tables in it, there was one table ahead of the others. Everything was gray almost white, all except the shadows of course which were fully dark.  I walked up to the table in front, it had drawers. 

The first four housed nothing, the last one had a small keyhole on it.  Pulling on the tiny knob showed it was locked.  Confused, I looked up and around for a key but didn't find anything near the table.  Turning around on the large board there it was taped to the top corner.  When I got it down, I walked over and unlocked the small drawer. 

There wasn't much inside, just a blank name plate thing.  I set it down and turned back to the board, on the holder beneath the board was small pieces of chalk.  Picking one up to examine it, I raised it up to the board and started to write.  I didn't know what I was writing at first, I didn't even know I knew how to write.  When I was finished the board read, "if anyone sees this please help... I'm trapped and I don't remember anything." setting the chalk back down.

I walked over to the smaller door, opening it to mark I've been here, to my surprise it had a shelf inside.  On the shelf were lots of boxes, these boxes were filled with things like scissors, glue, paper, and books.  All of the books were blank, the covers and the pages.  Now that I think about it... everything was blank.

    After putting the book down I turned and headed for the door, making no effort to look at the other side of it.  As I was walking out of the door something the voices said stopped me, they said.

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