Chapter 13; Others?

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Lilith Michelle POV;
My head rested on something round, and high up.  This position was uncomfortable so I sat up and looked around.  The world was pitch black out The stone I was resting on had some kind of dark liquid on it.  I touched it, trying to figure out what it is.  It smelled almost like...blood.  Then I felt something on the side of my mouth, it too had the scent of blood. 

    I sat there for a few minutes, staring at my blood covered finger.  I couldn't stay here forever though, someone else had to be here.  Looking around there was a large gate, closed.  I walked up to the barred gate and attempted to open it, but it didn't budge. 

    On the other side of the gate was a latch, keeping it shut.  I reached through the bars of the giant gate and tried to open it. I couldn't get to the part I needed from where I was though.  As I was about to try again I was stopped by the sound of someone or something crying. 

    "Hello, Is somebody there?" I asked, staring at the darkness, fear creeping up and down my spine.  A young girl emerged out of the dark, her face had streaks of shine where she had been crying. She looked terrified, but at the same time she looked relieved to see another human other than her here.

    "Are you okay dear?"  I asked the girl, she looked behind her then looked at me. 

"W-who are you."  she asked, it just occurred to me that I don't remember my own name.

"I'm terribly sorry darling but I'm afraid that I don't recall my name."  I said, trying to calm her down, she was still not coming close to me,

" I can assure you that I mean no harm to you, or anybody.  I am just as confused as you are dear, but I do wish to be free from here. Would you help me by opening the gate? I will stay with you and we can have each other's backs no matter what."

    Her face lit up, she inched closer to the gate and unlatched it, keeping an eye on me the whole time.  I walked out and hugged her, thanking her for freeing me.  She hugged me back, we got out of the embrace, and walked on our way.  Nothing much was said, when we found the houses we walked up to the door and tried to open it.  All of the houses were locked, when we were at our last house, the door opened, we smiled at each other and walked in. 

    Almost immediately after walking in we heard footsteps above us.  Walking up the stairs with the girl close behind me, I saw an open door with light pouring out of it.  A girl inside the door was crying, there was another girl trying to calm her down, to the side was a young girl who looked worried.

    All of them had some kind of necklace on them, each one had a number on it.  This seemed to be what they called each other by, not knowing what to do, or if I could trust these people I stood in the doorway. 

    The crying girl in the room with a six on her necklace calmed down thanks to the girl with a two on her necklace.  The seven necklace girl jumped on the bed hugging the six necklace girl, she was crying now.  Soon after they broke apart and the other girl asked the young girl to go get a glass of water for the girl with the Six on her necklace.  She went over to me and the other girl,

"excuse me,"  she said, we let her pass and she ran off down stairs.

    The two other girls looked up in our direction, they looked rather shocked so I decided to say something to ease the tension between the four of us,
"Hi, we just woke up here and we were just wondering if we can stay here with you guys.  We just don't know where we are or what this place is, we also can't seem to remember what it was like before this place."   They looked at eachother then back at us, the one with the necklace saying two spoke.

"You guys can stay here for however long you need, none of us here know who we are that's what these are for," she held up her necklace,

" Six can make you one tomorrow shes a little shaken up at the moment, here lets get you guys into some more comfortable clothes and in a nice bed to spend the night.  Follow me please." 

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