Chapter 22; Make yourself at home

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Lilith Michelle POV;
On our little adventure to the city we picked up some potatoes.  We had all the stuff already so I decided to make potato soup.  When the soup had finished cooking I called everyone to the kitchen.  I felt something in my throat, a 'frog'. 

    Grabbing a tissue I coughed into it, the red liquid came out and splattered onto the tissue.  I ran to the restroom so that the younger kids didn't have to see me cleaning up the blood dripping off my lip.  Cleaning the blood off of my hands was the last part of it, this was basically just washing my hands. 

    When I walked back out, One ran to me and gave me a rather tight hug.

    "Are you okay!?  You called us in here but when we actually came in you were just gone!"  they were worried,

    "Yeah, I'm fine darling, just a little problem with my 'problem' you know?" I smiled warmly while hugging her back tightly.  A few seconds went back by and we broke the embrace.

    "Well let's dig in, you guys!"  Six said just loud enough for everyone to hear.  Seven was clinging to Six and Three was clinging onto Two.  Two now had Five in her arms, he had woken up from his little nap.  I went over to the cabinet we put the baby food in and grabbed some out for him.  So that he didn't have something different than what we had, I got him the potato baby food.  We all fixed our bowls, and Two handed me Five, everyone was seated at the table, I had Five in my lap, feeding him in between my bites. 

    Seven rushed to sit by Six as did Three with Two.  I couldn't help but smile when I saw how Three and Seven acted towards Two and Six.  They loved them dearly, One seated at my right.  She ate her meal in silence, her eyes stayed down at her bowl of warm soup.  Something was bugging her, but I just don't know what.

    After everyone was finished eating I cleaned up the dishes and went to get myself and Five ready for bed.  I was sitting in my room playing with the little baby when I heard a knock at my door.   Five had looked up before it sounded but it still made me jump a little.  Getting up and opening the door I was met with One, her eyes were looking down, she had the same sad expression that she had at the dinner table.

    "Hello dear," I said, she must not have heard the door open, she jumped at the sound of my voice and her head shot up in surprise.  She practically jumped into my arms, bursting into tears, her breaths were rapid and short.  If she didn't calm down she was going to pass out from hyperventilation, I'm sure of it.

    "Shhh, it's okay dear, calm down." I said in a conforting voice, practically carrying her into the room.  Five had tried to  crawl over to us, his face had a confused expression.  I took his hand and led him over to where we actually were.  He grabbed on tightly to One and let his tiny body fall down into a loving hug.  She calmed her breathing and looked up at me, her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

    "Are you okay, darling?"  I asked her, she shook her head,

    "What's wrong then, sweetie?"  After some moments of silence she finally spoke,

"Do you ever feel like we're just taking what's not actually ours?  Like this house doesn't belong to any of us but we're staying in it as if it is.  When we went to the city we just took the stuff! 
Without even paying!"  her eyes started to swell up with fresh tears, the guilt was nearly killing her. 

    I held her close before she could start crying again, for fear of crying as well.  For the next what felt like hours we just sat there, her tears slowly faded away and soon she drifted off to sleep.  I picked her up and placed her in the bed, covering her up and placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

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