Chapter 23; Cold case

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Coraline Summers POV;
On the way back home I noticed Caroline smiling, she hasn't smiled in a while.  Before Holiday went missing she was too involved in her work to even have time to smile when work went well.  Her happy genuine smile made me smile along with her, the way her face lit up even with her tired eyes. 

    By the time we got home she had let her face rest into a slight frown.  Dave was on the phone when we walked in, a cup of coffee in his hand.  Without any clear acknowledgement of us entering he proceeds to yell at the person on the other end of the phone.  Hanging up he shoved his phone in his pocket and stormed off into his office. 

    I turned to my sister, her eyes shiny with tears, she always hated when people yelled.  Without saying a word I took her hand and led her to the couch.  The TV had been turned on, it was playing some boring documentary on the history of office work.  I flipped through some channels until I found the news.  The headlines were talking about some huge storm somewhere up North from where we are.

    "With a heavy heart I must confess that.... The cases of missing people have run completely cold, nothing more can be done for them, we wish them and their loved ones the best.  On another note-" 

Caroline quickly shut off the TV, she was upset with this news.  Then her phone rang, 'Kate Breadlock'  the contact information read.  She hit the answer button and held it to her ear.  Staying quiet for a bit, tears began rolling down her face as she uttered two words, "cold case", I could hear Kate on the other end sobbing. 

    Dave walked in, large bags under his eyes.  He glanced up at us from his phone with a death stare.  His expression looked furious, he was mainly staring at Caroline who had yet to notice his presence despite it being painfully intimidating. 

    He practically stomped over beside her, his face red with anger.  It was at this moment that she noticed his horrible presence, he snached her phone and hung up on an unknowing mourning woman.  He then proceeded to shove her phone in his pocket, he turned to walk away, but I couldn't take this anymore.

    "Hey!  You can't just do that, she was just talking to her new friend, Kate Breadlock!"  I couldn't help but shout at him, his actions just made my blood boil!

    If I'm being honest I've never really liked him that much.  He was never good enough for my sister, but it was an arranged marriage so she couldn't get out of it no matter what.  He stared at me, eyes looking straight through me into my soul.  I pulled Caroline closer to me hugging her tightly, trying to calm her down, the whole time I kept a death stare on Dave.

He stood there for a few more seconds fists clenched together, he turned and stomped away.  Caroline cried harder upon him leaving, she was the chosen one to get married because she was 3 minutes older. 

Some time passed and she fell asleep. I stayed up on my phone though.  When I heard Dave coming into the room I put my phone down, and looked at him, my gaze daring him to do or say anything to me or my sister.  He instead just walked past me and out the door, slamming it shut.  I heard the car start and the garage door open, after a few seconds it screeched to a close.

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