Chapter 3; Where's Jessica?

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Kyle Breadlock POV;
Kids! It's almost time for school!" I yelled while finishing up the lunches.

"Coming Mama!" Sebastian and Catie called back.

"Where's Jess?" I asked when they got down here, she's usually the first one down in the morning.

"JESS, YOU OKAY!?" I yelled up the stairs, no response.

"I'm going to go up and check on her. Kyle, can you take Subastian and Catie to school please? I'll bring Jess." I asked my husband.

"Of course dear, come on kids lets roll out." with a sigh from Catie and a groan from Sebastian, they got up and left. Walking up the stairs to check on Jessica, I was worried. Praying for her to answer and for her to have just slept in. I knocked,

"Jess, You up honey?" again no response, after a few seconds, I said, "I'm coming in."

Walking in to find no one there.

"Jess!? Jessica!?" she's not here, the windows and doors were and still are locked. Where is she!? Running around the house frantically hoping she was somewhere, but she wasn't anywhere. Every room was empty, Jessica was missing. I grabbed out my phone and dialed 9-1-1 .
"9-1-1 whats your emergency?"
"H-hello um my name is K-Kate Breadlock! M-My daughter is missing!"
"Okay Mrs. Breadlock, calm down please, your daughter is missing?"
"Yes! My oldest Jessica, she was here when we went to bed last night but when we woke up she was missing!"
"I'm sending a police officer and detective, what's your location Mrs. Breadlock?"
"Oh yes um 101 main st."
"The police are on their way, as is the detective. Would you like me to stay on the line with you?"
"No, I don't want to hold you up with other calls, thank you though."
"Okay if you say so, and it's no trouble. I hope you find your daughter."
"Me too, goodbye."

After what felt like forever there was a knock on the door. It was the police man and the detective. I opened the door,

"H-hello, please come inside it's quite cold out." I said while opening the door more so they can come inside.
"Thank you Mrs. Breadlock " said the police officer as he and the detective walked inside.

We all walked to the living room and sat down to talk. The detective asked the first question.

"Do you have any recent pictures of her?" he asked, I pulled out my phone and went to my photos. The most recent photo of her was from a few days ago. She was playing with her siblings in Catie's room. I handed the phone to the detective.

"Are these your other kids?" he asked, I nodded.
"Yes, the oldest with the dirty-blonde hair is Jessica shes 9. The other little girl is my second oldest, she's 6 her name is Catie. My youngest, Sebastian is 5." I said with a slight smile.

"They got along better than any group of siblings I've ever seen."

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