Chapter 18; Family

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Isabella Lovely POV;
In what I guessed was the morning, Six was cooking breakfast and Seven was hugging her tight from behind.  Five was asleep in Four's arms on the couch while Two and Three were sleeping beside them.  I walked over and sat down on the chair.  There was a book beside the chair, on a table. 

The cover was blank, I couldn't help but pick it up.  What can I say I was curious.  Inside it was just as blank as the other cover.  I stood up and started looking around, after a little bit I found what I was looking for, a pen.  Running back down the stairs, Four looked up at me slightly confused.

"You're in a rush aren't you, dear?"   she said with a small giggle.  I smiled and nodded,

"I just had an idea!  But you have to wait. It' s also a surprise!"   I said, she simply smiled and started playing with the cooing baby that has now woken up.  Picking up the blank book, I flipped to the first page. 

My number family! 
Four is the one that I first met, and though she looks great she acts like the grandma or mom to some of the family.  Six, Two, and me(One) are like the three daughters of Four, we all look about the same age.  Seven is like Six's kid and Three is like Two's kid.  Five is the youngest out of all of us, Four is like his mom and I am like his big sister.  I truly love my number family!!

When I was done writing I got the idea of calling everybody in the living room later and tell them my idea.  I was so lost in thought that when Six called saying that breakfast was ready I jumped.  Laughing at myself I stood up and headed into the kitchen behind Four. 

"Is there anything that doesn't need to be chewed?"  asked Four, the baby in her arms giggled as she made a funny face at him.  Six walked over to the fridge and grabbed out some applesauce, handing it to Four.  We all sat down at the table, Five was in Four's lap.  Just at that moment I remembered something, with a sudden burst of energy I announced everyone.

    "I have something to tell you guys after breakfast, but if I do forget about it can someone please remind me what I was doing before eating?"  Four nodded, a smile on everyone's face. 

    When we finished eating we all went off to the living room, nothing was on my mind at the moment but something in the back of my mind bugged me.. Not sure why though.

"Sweetie, didn't you have something you wanted to tell us?" Four asked, I had completely forgotten what I was going to say.

"W-what was I doing before we started to eat?"  I asked, slightly embarrassed by my forgetfulness. 

    After a quick reminder from Four, she handed me the book that I supposedly had written in.  I stood up in front, turning to the first page(the one I had written on).  I read off what I wrote there, afterwards I remembered a few things. 

Six, Four, Three, Seven, and Two all agreed with me, certain parts of the writing made them smile or even laugh at times.  Four stood up and gave me a hug, it felt wonderful. 

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