Chapter 8; Two, Six, and Seven

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Jessica Breadlock POV;
When I opened my eyes the walls around me looked blank with a wood like drawing on them.  The fire in the fireplace was different colors but not from the normal color wheel, they  were all from the gray scale. 

It still felt warm though, the armchair I'm sitting on is quite comfortable but I don't know where I am.  Outside the windows looked pitch black, so I decided to stay in here, I fell back asleep.


    The next morning I had guessed, I smelled something delicious.  Running to the kitchen to see the face of my assumed kidnapper.  I was instead met with a girl who looked to be quite a bit older than me, she could still be my kidnapper but something inside told me she wasn't. 

Her hair was dark and tangled, she was wearing a light gray sweatshirt with medium gray jeans.  Looking down at my own outfit, I could see it was a light blue hospital gown with a sloppy 7 sewn on the side near the bottom.

She turned around and looked at me shocked.  Soon she said something slightly moving. 

"Hello, are you real?"  the question confused  me, but she looked worried. 

"Yes, where are we?"  She looked around. 

"Safe...not in the other place."  Was she speaking in riddles or something?

"What's your name?"  I asked her, and she looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. 

"I don't know, I can't remember anything before the other place." 

"What's the other place?" 

she looked from me to the door then back to me.  "I.."  she hesitated,

"I don't know, I woke up there."  She offered me breakfast and we talked while we ate.


    Soon after, another girl walked down the stairs, she looked scared. 

"W-who are you two?"  she asked, pointing from me to the other girl. 

"I' I-I can't remember,"  I said, my own name just left me, everything about me left.

    I sat there looking down, I probably looked so pitiful.  The first girl I met came over and gave me a hug. 

"What number was on your gown?  Mine was 6!"  I looked up at her. 

"Mine was 2.."  said the other girl.  They both looked at me.
"7"  I said, showing them the horribly sewed 7.

    Running up the stairs, Six came back down with scissors and her gown, along with extra clothes.  Handing me the clothes she said,

"here, put these on then bring me your gown,"  she then looked at the other girl and said,

"Can you go get me yours please?"  she nodded and ran up the stairs.  I followed her and found a place to change. 

    Walking out with my gown in hand, Six had already made her own, and was working on Two's.

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