Chapter 6; Hello?

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Taylor Martin POV;
Waking up in the grass was a bizarre experience.  I don't remember falling asleep here.  In fact I don't remember anything.  My outfit is strange as well, a light blue gown with a number 2 on the side near the end.  Everything was dark and I could hardly see anything.

    Underneath me the grass was damp but it didn't look the right color.  I got up to walk and look around, I felt light headed.  How long was I out? 


    After some time there was a bench with a play set in front of it.  All of which were colorless and boring.  I walked some more hoping to find an exit.  I walked some more to find an exit.  I did, it was a fairly large path with a barred door keeping it closed.  Words are leaving me, what was this thing called again? 

    I walked out to the street, it was empty.  There was one c-car, yeah car on the street, but it was empty too.  Nobody was anywhere, I was alone... NO!  I can't think that way.  It isn't possible to be all alone in the world.  Someone has to be somewhere, and I'm going to find them. 

    First, though I need to change, this light colored gown isn't that warm and the darkness is cold.  I walked around looking for a place which was open for me to stay in. 

On my way to the last house which was quite creepy.  The windows looked broken from the outside, along with some of the wood.  I stepped in something dark, almost like someone added water to dirt.  This felt weird on my bare feet, but I kept going. 

    When I got to the top of the stairs I walked across the platform.  The door was(thankfully) unlocked.  Walking in I was slightly terrified but to my surprise it was nice on the inside.  The furnishar was comfy and the eating place was full of food!  There was even a thing that held a fire to keep me warm a um f-fireplace yeah that! 

    Running down the hallway to a room, it hit.  Everything is gray or some form of gray.  Nothing except me has any color.  As I walked into the room I took note of all of the decorations and went over to the clothes place.  I picked out a light gray top along with dark gray sweatpants.  I then went to sleep.

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