Chapter 20; Coraline and Caroline

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Kyle Breadlock POV;
For dinner we had chicken and dumplings, Catie and Sebastian's favorite.  Mrs. Summers and Ms. Gem agreed to this meal so it was decided.  The dinner was mostly quiet, other than Catie talking to anyone who would listen.  Then Sebastian broke the over all silence,

"are you guys coming over more now?  Because you guys are really nice, and pretty!"  this made them smile,

"well if it's okay with you parents we would love to come over more."  Mrs. Summers said to him, he smiled widely, showing all of his teeth.

    This response also made Catie perk up, excited for the future meet ups with the twins.

"Mrs. Summers and Ms. Gem you two are welcome here anytime!"  I told them, Kyle nodded his head in agreement as he stuffed his mouth with the soup-like meal, this made the kids laugh. 

"Thank you, and please call us, Coraline, and Caroline!" Ms-Coraline said, with a smile.

    As we finished up dinner they got ready to leave.  Walking up to the door, Caroline turned back,

"remember if you ever need someone to watch your little ones, I'm open and so is she.  We would love to spend more time with and get to know them more."  As she pointed to her sister, she smiled and nodded.

"We'll keep that in mind, thank you.  We also have your number so I can just call if I need anything alright?"  With that Caroline nodded and they got in their car,  waving as the car began to drive off.

    I watched them drive off until I couldn't watch them anymore.  Closing the door Sebastian came up to me tugging at my shirt, this was his signal he needed to talk to me.  I scooped him up and carried him to his room.
"What's wrong dear?"
"They were just as broken as you and daddy are mama"
"Yeah, they are..." Sebastian always was good at telling feelings even when he was just learning how to walk.

He followed Jessica all the way to her room, it was later found out that she had a bad day at school, and was feeling sad.  He followed her to make her feel better, because he knew she was sad.

    "What are we gonna do mama? They can't stay broken!  Neither can you or Daddy!  Broken things are just things that need some glue, and I wanna find your glue.  Or-or you, and daddy just have the wrong kinda glue and you need to switch with Mrs. Summers and Ms. Gem?  I don't know!"  He was so confident at the beginning, then it downsized, he's doubting himself now.

    His eyes began to fill with tears, slowly but steadily they began to leak out of his eyes.  Scooting closer to me, he hugged me tight, and before I knew it I was crying too.

    A few hours later I looked down at my lap, Sebastian had fallen asleep.  Kyle had come in and turned off the lights, I smiled happily.  I love my family so much and I will do anything in my power to protect them.

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