Chapter 10; Mom? Dad?

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Harold Smith POV;

I woke up to find a tall shadowy person standing over me.  I got up and ran but I was met with another shadow person.  They were everywhere all around me, the darkness was closing in!  Then I saw a bright light off in the distance.  This light revealed the shadow people for what they really were, trees.  I was in the woods, I ran toward the light to try and find the source. 

    This turned out to be a city, at the bottom of the large hill I was standing on.  Looking around for a road of some kind in the dim light, I noticed I was wearing a light blue hospital gown.  The gown had a 3 sewn on the side near the bottom.  It was cold out here and I didn't even have on shoes or socks. 

    I soon found a path or road of some kind that looked like it led down to the city, so I  started walking down it.  Entering the city my first instinct was to find my parents,

"Mom!? Dad!?" I yelled hoping to find them or someone.  From the looks of it there wasn't ANYONE here, everywhere was empty.  The small shops, banks, and especially the streets were empty.  It was dead silent. 

    After I looked around for some more time, I started to panic and everything started to go black.  It all felt like a dream but it seemed more like a nightmare.  I slowly started to move down until I was sitting on the street. When things finally came back  I was breathing quite rapidly, I took a few deep breaths to calm down.  I then stood up slowly for fear of it happening again.

    I  walked on my way to try and find a place to stay for the night or at least until I found someone who could help me.  I found the house part of the city and began looking for a house that was unlocked.  The first like 100 were locked but the last one I hesitated at.  The house looked haunted but I'm old enough that I don't believe in ghosts so I walked up to the door.  When I reached my hand up to try and open the door I heard a cry come from the bushes beside the door.

    I jumped a little bit when I heard the cry, it was just so sudden, and it startled me.  Walking over to the bushes my mind was racing, what could this be?  Is it a monster or-or a wild animal?  What if it's something dangerous and this door is locked leaving me nowhere to go for safety?  These were the kind of questions going through my head but the truth was something I hadn't considered. 

    There in the bushes was a small baby, he was crying like crazy.

"Hello little baby.." I said to him, poking his forehead lightly to see what he would do.  Opening his eyes showed their color, light gray nearly white. Could he even see me?  He looked terrified,

"H-hey its okay I won't hurt you!  I just wanna help, here lets get you out of those bushes" I said to him as though he understood a word I said.  Picking him up he was surprisingly light, he looked a few months old but not a new-new born.  He looked around with wonder in his light eyes, then turned back to me.  I was using my hand to support his head, because his neck didn't look strong enough yet, like I said he looked to be only a few months old. 

    I turned towards the door and he snuggled into the cloth he was swaddled in which resembled my light blue gown, it even had a number on it too.  Though I couldn't tell which number it was, the clouds had started to cover the bright moon, making everything pitch black. 

    Taking a deep breath I reached one hand out while I held the baby with my other hand very carefully.  I turned the handle and it opened, I was so excited!   Rushing inside I laid the baby down on the couch, he had fallen asleep so I went off to try and find him a blanket and maybe even a pillow small enough for him. 

     Whenever I found a blanket I headed back down, I couldn't find a pillow.  Walking down the stairs I heard voices.
"Where did the other one go?" said one,
"I don't know, I think he went upstairs but look at this little baby! He's so cute!" said another, they seemed to be talking about me. 

    Against my better judgment I walked back down the stairs, I couldn't just leave a bunch of strangers with a little defenseless baby!  3 girls around him, he was still asleep  and as far as I could see he was still okay.  One of the girls must have heard me and looked up, she then nudged the one beside her.  The other girl looked up, which got the other-other girls' attention which caused her to look up at me too.  After a little bit of us all staring at each other, the baby moved which caused the couch to make a noise snapping all of us out of our "trance".  One of the girls shook her head and reached a hand out saying,

"U-um hi sorry just, we didn't really expect anyone else to come here.. Haha-anyway I'm Six, this is Seven and over there is Two." she said pointing to the other two girls when she said the number-name. 

    It was at this moment that I noticed their necklaces. Each one had the number Ms. Six called them on it.  She looked at me then said,

" You don't remember your name... do you?"  I shook my head 'no' and she smiled, running right past me, and up the stairs.  I looked at the other two girls, um Seven and Ms. Two.  Seven motionied for me to come over beside her and sit, so I did.  I put the blanket on the young baby, and looked from Seven to Ms. Two.

"So where did you wake up? I woke up here in that arm chair, and Two woke up in the park...right?" she asked, looking at Ms. Two and pointing to the armchair when she mentioned it.

    Two nodded and I looked down,
" I woke up in the woods, just above the city."  I answered, we talked for a bit or at least until Ms. Six came back. She was carrying a pair of scissors, and two pairs of clothes.  She walked up to me and handed me one pair of clothes saying,

" here go change, and bring me your gown, I'll make it into a necklace just like ours!" She looked so happy.

"Yes Ma'am!" I tried to match her enthusiasm but I was just so tired. 

    When  I got back down the stairs with my gown in hand she was changing the baby. I guess he woke up while I was changing. 

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