Chapter 17; Mission

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Sebastian Breadlock POV;
Ever since mommy and I had our "talk" about Jessie, she's been keeping me up-doted(updated).  I even got to meet the Po-li-ce man and de-tec-tive!  They let me come up with a name for the mission to find sissy!  I called it,

"mission find Jessie!"  Catie still doesn't know but I don't want to tell her.  Neither did Mama or Daddy.

They said I wasn't even supposed to find out, but I did soooo.  I still loved to play with Catie though, her light-hearted talk and unknowing of things around her made me happy! 

One day Catie came up to me, asking if I could play with her, I agreed.  Everything was happy and normal when mommy rushed in the room, she asked me to follow her.  Ignoring the "ohhh"s from Catie I got up and walked with mommy. 

She took me to the Kitchen, and sat me down at the table.  Handing me a small cup of water, she told me that

"the case is starting to run cold... they can't find anything else." I didn't really know that men't but by her expression I could tell it didn't mean anything good.

"W-what does that mean?" I asked her, she looked at me, her eyes wet with tears,

"it means they can't find anything else on Jessica, which means they can't find her..." She explained slowly making sure I understood every word she was saying.  I stared up at her,

"they...can't find sissy?  She's gone, for good!?"  I said in a slightly winney voice, I wasn't trying to cry nor did I want to but I couldn't help it. 

Just then we heard a whimper, turning around to see Catie standing at the door.  She had a stuffed bear in her arms and tears running down her face.  Mommy ran over to her and picked her up, hugging her tight.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" asked mommy, trying her best to hide her hurt inside. 

"W-why did you say that Jessie wasn't coming back?" Catie must have overheard us, mommy looked at me and her face looked worried.

    "Well you see dear, we were planning on Jessica coming back home from her friends house today, but umm they didn't actually finish their project so she has to stay there for a few more nights." Mommy lied.

    A few hours later, daddy came home.  He went over and kissed mommy, which was really gross.  Then he came over and kissed me and Catie on the forehead. 

"Hey kids, are you ready for school tomorrow?  You guys had an extra long weekend, didn't you?"  He said trying to sound happy but I could see through his poorly made disguise.  He was just as sad as Mommy and even me.  He misses Jessie too, but I just nodded in response to his question.

"Oh! I almost forgot, Mrs. Summers is coming over with her sister for dinner!"  said mommy, poking her head in the room.  Ever since their first call mommy and Mrs. Summers have become like bestest friends! 

Catie and I went back to her room to play while mommy made supper and daddy took a shower, mommy said he was stinky.  Not long after we heard the doorbell ring.  Looking at each other Catie said two words, "race ya" we dashed to the living room to meet them, Catie won. 

Mrs. Summers and her sister, who according to mama, her name is Ms.Gem.  Both of them were pretty and a little tall, Mrs. Summers' dark hair hung down in a long ponytail; some strands blocked  her pretty brown eyes.  Her sister looked almost exactly like her, but her eyes were hazel, just like Jessies's were. 

I always loved her hazel eyes, the green look with a lighter flower of color blooming through.  I remember her telling me how when  I was a little-little baby I would stare at her and when she asked what was wrong.  She said that all I did was point at her eyes and say "pretty".  This story always made me smile.

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