Chapter 19; explore the city

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Holiday Summers POV;

One was right, we are like a family.  Seven stayed with me most of the time, I'm not one hundred percent sure why though.  We had confirmed that it WAS separation anxiety, we aren't completely sure who she is "attached" to, although I'm starting to suspect it is me. 


    "Why are we just staying here?  Shouldn't we go out  and try to find somebody?"  asked Four, she looked at everyone in the room, even Five.  I shrugged, 

"I mean I guess it couldn't hurt, as long as we remember how to get back here, right?" she smiled,

    "What do you guys think?" Four asked the others, all of which nodded in agreement, well all except Five who cooed, not knowing what was going on. 

    "Okay then, I'll go get myself and Five here ready!"  she said, standing up with Five in her arms. 

    I stood up, grabbed Seven, and we headed toward the stairs.  I turned back to One, Two, and Three. 

    "Do you guys want me to bring you all clothes back down?"  Two nodded, Three leaning his tired head on her lap.  I smiled and walked up the stairs to meet Seven at the top. 

    When everyone was ready we headed out.  Leaving the majority of the lights on so we could find the house back.  The sky was still pitch black but there was only a sliver of moon lighting the sky.  Seven shivered and hung on my arm, hugging it close. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, trying to let her know she was safe with us. 

One seemed to be clinging to Four, and Three to Two.  We started down the road, walking in the cold darkness, nobody said anything, nor did they touch anything.  The air was colder than what I was first expecting, but these clothes we are wearing are much warmer than the ones we had woken up in. 

The further we walked the brighter the road got, we were getting closer.  As we entered the city I heard multiple gasps from the two younger kids and even from One.  Five didn't really gasp though he just started laughing at the apparently hilarious flashing lights around the different buildings. 

The first place we went was the grocery store to get food for Five.  We also needed more food at the house for us.  After we got everything we needed in the cart we discovered that we have no way to pay for this stuff.  In the checkout aisle we just stared at the food.
    "So, what do we do?"
    "I don't know, do we  I mean we're the only ones here right?"
    "What!? NO! Stealing is wrong!"
    "I think....when mama used to go to the store she used a thing called a check.  I don't understand though it just looked like a slip of paper."

"Fine, we'll take it, and Seven I'll explain a check to you when we get home okay?"  and it was setted, we bagged the food, then walked out of the food store trying to find the clothing store.  When we finally found it, we walked straight to the baby clothes, none of the clothes at the house were small enough for Five.  We picked out a few outfits for him, as well as some for the rest of us.

    As we were walking out with the bags from both stores, Three spotted another store.

    "Can we go there? Please!"  He asked, pointing to the store.  I looked up at the store to see what got him so worked up.  To be honest I could see why he wanted to go there, it was a toy store.

"Sure, we can go get you guys some toys!"  said Two and we headed that way.  In the store Three, and Seven went nuts.  I followed Seven around, picking out toys she favored.  Four went to the baby toys he wanted, the others pretty much just tagged along with whoever they wanted. 

By the time they were done we had bags upon bags of toys, not to mention the bags from the other stores.  Seven and Three both agreed on a bubble machine toy so we ended up getting extra bubble-making soap.  We headed to the door when Four walked over and grabbed a cart. 

"What are you doing Four?"
"Getting an easier way to take all this stuff home,"
"Are you sure it's okay to steal this?"
"I-don't know, but would you rather carry this and the tired out kids all the way home, or use the cart?"
"Once again, she's right.."
"C'mon let's go home"
    Walking out the doors, Four pushed the cart with the younger kids in it while I pushed the cart with various bags in it.  Four was indeed right, this was easier with something to hold everything.

When we got home the voices started up, I heard them the whole way back, but I could never put together what they were saying.

"Thief!  Thief!" they yelled, I covered my ears and sat down.  Seven got out of the cart and went over to sit beside me, hugging my side trying to make me feel better.

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