Chapter 5; Missing?

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Kyle Breadlock POV;
Driving Catie and Sebastian to school was a pretty quiet ride other than them occasionally asking a question like,

"Is Jessie okay?" or
"Why wasn't Jessie up?"  I didn't know how to answer this. 
"I'm sure she's fine, she probably just slept in.  Don't worry mama will take her to school and everything will be back on track."  I didn't fully believe my own words but I was praying it was true.


    A few minutes later we were at their school. 
"Bye daddy! Love you!" they yelled in unison.  Smiling, I said

"Bye-bye love you guys!"   On my way home I had a horrible feeling something bad had happened. Continuing to say a silent prayer that Jess had just slept in.

When I got home I saw a cop car and another black car.  Confused, I pulled into the driveway and went inside.  A policeman and a detective were sitting on the couch.  My wife was sitting on the armchair in front of them.  She looked up at me when I walked in.  Patting the empty chair beside her showed I was meant to sit there. 

"What's wrong, is she okay?"  I asked, Kate looked at me with tears in her eyes. 

"She...She's missing," she said quietly.  These words broke me, I just sat there and stared.

After a few seconds of silence the detective asked,

"Sir, your the girl's father correct?" 

"Y-yes, yes sorry.."

"It's quite alright, now did you have any recent arguments or anything with your daughter either of you?"  he asked, looking from me to Kate.  We looked at each other then back to him,

"NO!" we said in unison. 

"Just last night we were having a family movie night, laughing and joking together!" Kate added.

    I nodded in agreement with her.  The detective and police officer glanced at each other then back to us.

"So she was kidnapped... like the others?" shocked I asked,

"Others? What others?"  their eyes full of sympathy, they sat in silence, thinking.  After a while of silence the police officer handed us a paper and said,

"6 people, not just kids have been taken without a trace.  Isabella Lovely went first, followed by Taylor Martin, Harold Smith, Lilith Machele, Joshaua Layton and most recently Holiday Summers." 

As he was listing off the names we stared at the paper.  Beside each one had a picture, their age, and a nickname they used to go by.  The youngest of them was 10 months 10 months while the oldest was 57.  He was right not just kids were going missing. 


We talked for some more time then they had to go do further investigations, and add her to the list.  Before they left the police officer handed us a card. 
"Hey, if you think of anything or if she miraculously comes back, contact us. I'm officer Dan, this is detective Baez."  He said the card had his and deceptive Baez's numbers.  We said  our goodbye then they left and we went back inside.

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