Chapter 16; safe place

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Isabella Lovely POV;
The next morning everyone was downstairs, Four was cooking and Six was playing with Five.  Looking around some more I could also see Two playing with Seven and Three.  They had paper and a box of crayons. Three was showing Two his drawing while Seven was still working on hers.  They all looked up at me, I felt a little awkward so I went over to Four and hugged her from behind. 

I couldn't really explain it but something about her made me feel safe.  She's just the first one that I met, and I don't really know any of these people that well. 

"Good morning dear!!" said Four as she moved the food over to plates, one had slightly more food than the rest though.  She called everyone into the kitchen, and they all came in to sit, even me.  Four went around passing out the food, giving Six(who had Five) the plate with more food.  Four had just given her extra apple sauce, Five couldn't chew anything so he was stuck with the food that didn't require teeth. 

After eating all of the food Six, Seven, Two, Three, and Five went back to the living room.  I stayed to help Four clean up the dishes, though there was a question nibbling at my mind more and more as the time passed. 

"So, is this just where we're going to stay?"  I asked, she turned to me confused, so I kept going.

"What-what if there are more people out there, and they need a safe place to stay but give up too quickly and stop checking just looking?  Should we have a sign or something?"  I asked, slightly glancing at her, she turned her head back and started drying the dishes again. 

    Taking a deep breath she looked at me,

"I-I don't know, we can ask everyone else if you want.." she said, what was she talking about?  I stared at her blankly. 

    "I'm sorry, what were we talking about?  I'm afraid  I forgot.." She took me by the arm and led me to the living room.  Everyone looked up as we walked in, but the baby looked up first.  She sat me down and got everyone's attention again(they had started doing their own thing again). 

    "Excuse me everyone, I need to talk about something with you all."  she began, the room got quiet and all the eyes were on her

    "It has come to my attention that all of us have something that isn't right, for instance; when I woke up here I was laying in a puddle of blood, this blood was coming out of my mouth, I had coughed it up.  Five is blind, it is very obvious but for those who aren't convinced.  He turned before anyone else when a sound was made, it also seems that he can't see you even when you're right in front of him.  My new discovery is that One has short-term memory loss.  I mean all of us have lost our memory, no doubt about that but I mean you could be having a conversation with her, but soon after she says something it's just gone.  Now there is nothing wrong with this but I just feel like we should document things.  So if anyone knows something else that is going on please share now." 

The room went silent, no one said a thing.  Soon Six raised her hand, with a nod from Four, she began talking. 

    "A little bit after I woke up I began to hear voices, I still hear those voices sometimes.  Two also is forgetting words, she might need some help sometimes but we can do it!"  Six ended with a strong tone of voice.  After everyone shared what they thought, Four went off to grab a piece of paper and a crayon. 

    "Okay so One-short-term memory loss,
Two-forgetting words,
Four-cough up blood
And Seven,"  she paused, then looked up at Seven.  She huddled close to Six,

    "Maybe s-separation anxiety?"  Four nodded, and jotted it down on the paper beside Seven's name.  She carried it into the kitchen and hung it up on the fridge, she then proceeded to grab another piece of paper, on this she wrote, 'safe place, please come in' she carried it out and taped it on the door. 

    Walking back in she smiled at me, and gave me a hug.  Six, Five, joined then Seven, Three, and Two soon enough it was a group hug.

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