Chapter 15; Mrs. Summers

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Kate Breadlock POV;
    "You know maybe if you go talk to someone who's dealt with this too you'll feel better."  Said Mrs. Kathy(the therapist), I've been having to come here ever since Jessica...ever since 'l-left'. 

     "M-maybe..."  I said, She handed me a paper with a number on it. 
"This is Coraline Summers' number, her daughter went missing just 2 months ago, she's been coming here ever since."  Mrs. Kathy said with a warm smile. 

I nodded and walked out to meet my family.  Catie and Sebastian ran up to me while Kyle followed close behind them. 

"Mommy! Mommy! Look what I drew during your doctor visit!!"  Yelled Catie, she held up a lovely picture of a cat and dog playing together. 

"Aww that's so cute Catie, how about you Sebastian?"  He looked at me with tears in his eyes. 

"What's wrong darling!?"  I asked, he's never come home from school crying before.  I looked up at Kyle hugging Sebastian close,

"what happened."  Kyle took a deep breath and started to explain.

"Well I got a call from Sebastian's teacher.  She said that he wasn't paying attention in class.  According to her he was drawing in class," he said holding up the drawing that Sebastian did, it was all of us, Kyle, myself, Catie, Sebastian, and Jessica.  Something was off though, Jessica had marks over her eyes.  I turned to him, confused,

" Why are there marks on Jessicsa's face, over her eyes honey?"  he looked down at the floor. 

"B-because she's gone... isn't she?" this shocked me, h-he knows?  I looked at Kyle, he was just as shocked as I was.  Thank goodness Catie didn't hear.

"Darling, why don't you take Catie out to the car, I need to talk to Sebastian real quick okay?"  Kyle nodded, grabbed Catie's hand and headed out the door.  Turning back to Sebastian he still had his sad look on him.  Kyle and I had the idea of not telling them to keep them from worrying too much. 

I  started to tear up when I saw the tears start running down his face.

"Hey come here sweetie, let's go home and I'll explain there. Okay?"  He nodded and ran into my arms, I picked him up and held him close while we walked out of the building towards the car.

    I went over to Sebastian's side of the car and buckled him into his car seat, I then got in the passenger side.  The ride home was quiet other than the occasional comment from Catie, but as the seconds turned into minutes she drifted off to sleep.  Sebastian just sat there in silence, staring out his window deep in thought. 

    When we got home I got Catie and took her up to her room, tucking her in the covers I kissed her forehead.  Turning out the light as I walked out, I walked back down the hallway to the living room where Sebastian was sitting on the couch, waiting.  I took a deep breath and walked in, he looked up at me as soon as I walked in the room.  Patting the empty cushion beside him without saying a word I went over and sat beside him.

    "How did you know she was gone?" I asked him, and he looked at me with the most serious expression I've ever seen him have.

"Mommy, I'm 5 not stupid." he said,

"You and daddy aren't ever this worried whenever Jessie is just at a friends house, plus you never let us stay this long unless it's really an emergency!"  I was shocked he had put the pieces together so well.

"Baby, I never said you were stupid, and your right, Jessica has been kidnapped.  She is being searched for but so far there is no luck."  He looked at me trying his best to hold back tears, though all of his efforts to stop them were in vain.

    Through tears he asked,

"why didn't you tell me or Sissy!?"  I sighed,

"Because I didn't want you guys to worry, you're just kids.  This stuff is hard to deal with, that's why mommy has to go to the doctor every week."  His head hung low in defeat, I pulled him close to me and hugged him. 

    Kyle came up to us kissing us both on the head,

"I'm sorry honey I got a call from work, I'll be back, love you!"  I nodded back in response, Sebastion just looked at him.  When Kyle left I dried my son's tears and made him some tea.

"I-is she the only one missing?"  He asked after a while of silence.  I looked up at him from my half empty tea mug. 
"No there are more," as I was saying this I got up and grabbed the missing persons paper the officer gave us. 
"Here," I handed him the paper, he looked at it confused then looked up at me. 

"Can you read it please?"  I had forgotten he could barely read.  I read off the names, nicknames, and ages one by one for him.  When I finished he asked,

"that's so sad that a 10 month old baby was taken from his mama too?"  He looked a little sadder than before, 

"wait, if she's missing too then you can just talk to her mama! Right, then you'll feel better, because I'm sure, no POSITIVE that we'll find her!!"  He said pointing at the name and picture of 'Holiday Summers'.

I pulled out the card that the therapist gave me, and told Sebastion what she said.  Of course I said 'doctor'  rather than 'therapist'  but he agreed with what she had said, so I dialed the number. 

The ringing went on for a while then a woman answered the phone,
"Hello? Who is this?"
I took a deep breath and said,

"hello Mrs. Summers, this is Jessica Breadlock's mom..."

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