Chapter 7; A city!

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Holiday Summers POV;
This path was longer than I had first thought.  Every now and then the wind would pick up.  Which made the branches of the leafless trees shake and would cause me to shiver.  This hospital gown wasn't much protection from the cool air out here.  Walking, walking, and more walking that's all I know out here isn't it?

    Soon enough I realized that everything is a different type of gray.  Nothing is in color, well nothing except me.  These woods were quite creepy in the dark night.


    After some more walking the path ends.  A road cuts it off.  There wasn't anything on the road.  Not seeing any clear signs of danger I walked out onto the road and started walking down it.

    Some time passed and the sky lit up, lights coming from a multitude of tall buildings.  A city, someone HAS to be here!

Looking around I see tall buildings, stores, houses, and a park.  In the reflection on one of the giant glass windows I see something on my gown that I didn't notice before.  A sloppy sew on number 6.  Does that mean there are others, if so what happened to them?

I walked on to find a place to stay.  When I found the houses(there was a long strip of houses) I went up to one and knocked, no answer.  Shaking the handle trying to open it, which was pointless, the doors were locked.

The others followed this same pattern but I couldn't give up.  One of them had to be open.  At my last house I took a deep breath at the door. No, the house wasn't a pretty picture but it  was my last hope.  The wood under me  creaked when I stepped on it, this made me jump a little. 

When I opened the door which was unlocked, I sighed with relief.  Despite the horrible outside, the inside was lovely!  All of the couches and armchairs looked extremely comfortable.  The kitchen was stuffed full of wonderful food. 

Upstairs I looked around for a closet to change into something warmer.  One door was locked but the others were all open. Two of them were bedrooms with closets.  Only one had clothes that fit me, so that is the one I went with.  Just as I was done changing the voices said something.

"1,2,3,4,5,6," then again
"1,2,3,4,5,6," they counted up to 6 I don't know how many times, but then it changed, "1,2,3,4,5,6,now 7"  they added 7.  I ignored them and layed down to sleep, the voices on the other hand kept going.
"1,2,3,4,5,6,now 7" 
"1,2,3,4,5,6, now 7"
"Shut Up!" I yelled at them, they got more or less quiet muttering among themselves in a way I couldn't understand. 

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