Chapter 1

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(Author's Note: So, I came up with this fic idea back in June. I've been working on it since then and I'm pretty happy with it. Here's another Rhea Ripley story. Enjoy!)

Back in twenty twenty my dad, Edge, returned at the Royal Rumble. That same year, I made my debut at WWE. Because they liked me, and I have a famous wrestler for a parent, I was immediately put on Raw. A year later, I was moved to Smackdown to help with the ratings.

What you should know about me, is I love my father. I would do anything for him. My mother died right after giving birth to me. So, dad has been the only parent in my life. Well, Mama Beth has been a great mother figure for me. She's everything I could ever ask for in a mother. Especially since she had adopted me after marrying dad.

Growing up, all I heard from dad was wrestling stories and soulmates. I loved hearing about WWE. Soulmates, not so much. The fact that it could be anyone and you have no choice but to be with them? Yeah, not for me. Luckily, it's a rare occurrence.

The only people I've heard of that are soulmates would be Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch. I have nothing against them. They seem happy, truly. I just don't want a soulmate. It's annoying and it will drag me down, I just know it.


"Hey dad, you'll never guess what!" Him and I are packing to go to the hotel for the weekend.

"You found your soulmate?" He perked up with a huge smile. I gave him a look, which earned a laugh. "I'm just kidding, sweety. What were you gonna say?"

I playfully rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna be drafted to RAW. I'll get to work with you! I'll be there on the Monday after the Royal Rumble."

"Yes!" He walked over and hugged me. "This is so exciting! I get my little girl back!"

"Dad, come on." I whined and pushed him off of me. "I was told it's because they wanna see more of us working together. They already had mom come on, so they want me to work with you too. I'm also supposed to make an appearance on Monday. In the promo with Miz and Maryse, I'm gonna magically appear after she attacks Mama."

Dad's smile grew with pride. He gave me a fist bump and we continued to pack.


It's now Monday. I'm on Raw and waiting for the queue to go out. The lights went dark, and the producers around me gestured to hurry up and go hide under the ring. Since it's pretty dark, nobody saw me sneak out. I crawled under the ring right before the lights came back on.

I hear Maryse come out and ask for Mama Beth. I heard Mama's music play. Knowing her, she was smart and brought dad with her. I waited and waited for the drama to start.

Finally, I heard the crowd loudly boo, so I know it's time. The lights shut off. I quickly crawled out and got in the ring. The lights came back on, revealing me over Mama's collapsed body and in front of Maryse. Before she could react, I started hitting her over and over again. I grabbed her from behind and used the German Suplex on her. I noticed she dropped her purse, so I picked it up. When she stumbled over to me, I hit her with it.

Maryse rolled out of the ring and dad came in. I quickly grabbed a microphone. "Hey, Miz and Maryse!" They looked at me with anger and frustration. "Touch my parents again, and you'll have to answer to me. I swear to you that I'll give you both a beatdown so bad, your kids won't recognize you!" I slammed the mic to the floor and let them leave. "Are you ok, Mama?" She nodded and groaned. Dad and I helped her up and to the back.

"Thanks for the help, kiddo." Mama smiled at me. Dad did too, obviously grateful and impressed with me.

"Anytime, Mama. You know I love you and I'd do anything for you." I heard two squeals from behind me. I turned around to see Bianca and Liv running towards me. Liv jumped into my arms. "Hey, ladies."

"Ahh! I can't believe you're here!" Liv said after I put her down.

"Yeah girl, what brings you to Raw?" Bianca pulled me into a hug.

"I'm here for my parents. Plus, I'm being drafted here. I'm coming back the Monday after the Royal Rumble." They squealed again and pulled me in for another hug. 

"Oi, what's with all the noise?" A shiver went down my spine when I heard that voice.

"Oh my God Rhea, you'll never guess what!" They pulled away from me. I smiled at Liv as she showed this "Rhea" her excitement. "Parker is coming to RAW to work with us!"

"That's great, Liv." I blinked and turned my attention to the new person.

I gasped as our eyes met. The gothic looking woman is dressed in a black cropped top, a spiked leather vest, tight pants with chains, and knee high combat boots. Her makeup is simple. Foundation, contour, black lips stick, and red eye shadow. Her blonde hair is slicked back.

"Parker, this is former NXT UK women's champion, NXT women's champion, Raw Women's champion and women's tag team champion Rhea Ripley. Rhea, this is our friend from Smackdown, Parker Phoenix. She's Edge's daughter." I heard Bianca say.

Rhea's toned muscular body is an amazing sight. I noticed she's staring at me the same way. I heard the stories, but nothing compares to how this feels. Rhea Ripley is my soulmate. "Hi, it's nice to finally meet you." She outstretched her hand for me to shake. I took it and immediately felt sparks travel up my hand and into my arm. "I can't believe you're my soulmate."

I let go of her hand and took a step back. "Hey, something wrong, Parker?" Liv asked me.

"No, this can't be happening. Not now. Not ever. Why? Why do I have a soulmate? I never wanted one. This is gonna ruin everything!" I walked away, not caring how hurtful my words sound.

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