Chapter 7

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We had a thorough conversation about our boundaries and expectations of each other. It was very fulfilling and we're both very happy. I feel heard and I can tell Demi feels the same way.

"Alright, is there anything else we should discuss, love?" Demi's thumbs rubbed small circles on the back of my hands.

"Uh, there is something I wanna mention. Bear with me, because it's kind of embarrassing." I felt my face heat up and I looked down at my hands to avoid seeing disappointment from Demi.

Demi leaned forward to press a tender supportive kiss on my forehead. I immediately felt secure and very happy. "Hey, this is a safe space. In my home, we can talk about anything without judgment present. Even the embarrassing parts of ourselves, ok?"

I nodded, feeling grateful. I took a deep breath. "I've never had my first kiss before and I'm still a virgin."

Rhea scoffed and shrugged her shoulders. "That doesn't change anything for me, love. Yeah, I've already done those things, but it doesn't make you lesser of a person. I'm just happy I get to share those firsts with you."

"You mean, you're not ashamed of me?" I don't know why I thought Demi would be disappointed, but I guess it's from a past relationship and society's relationship standards.

"Ryder, why would I be ashamed of anything you do? I l-" she cut herself off and changed what she's going to say. "I care about you either way." She reached out to me and cupped my cheek with her hand. I leaned into her touch and smiled. "You like this?"

"Yeah, it feels good. It's almost like I'm touch starved or something." This gave Demi an idea. With her other hand, she gave me head scratches, like how you would for a pet. I closed my eyes and melted into her touch. "Ok, now you've confirmed it for me."

Demi laughed and continued to give me all of her attention. "Lucky for you, I'm touch starved as well. I also love giving attention." She moved her other hand so she could use both to scratch my head. Gods, this feels like heaven on earth. "You look like a puppy right now." Demi chuckled with amusement.

"Shut up, it feels good." All at once, Demi stopped. I opened my eyes and pouted at her, missing the contact already.

Demi moved back so she could lie down on the couch. She outstretched her arms and made a grabbing motion with her hands. "Wanna cuddle?" I immediately accepted her invitation and climbed on top of her. I rested my head on her upper chest and sighed with content as I felt her arms wrap around me and place a kiss on the top of my head. "It feels so right having you here. In my arms, in my apartment. It truly feels like home now."

I hummed in agreement. "Yeah, you do feel like home." Both Demi and I got very happy after we both admitted we've become each other's safe place.

We lied there in silence, content with just existing in each other's arms. "Hey, Ryder?"

I picked up my head so I can look Demi in the eye. "Yeah?" 

She brushed some strands of hair away from my face. "Do you wanna go on a date with me and possibly be my girlfriend?"

"Fuck yes, Demi!" I hugged her tight, not shy with hiding my excitement.

"Damn, I'm so happy right now, I could kiss you!" We both paused. Our hearts skipped a beat and I pulled away to look at her again. "I-I mean, I'd like to. We don't have to if you don't want to. I know you're nervous about it since it would be your first and all."

I let out a chuckle from hearing Demi ramble on. "Demi," I said softly.

"What?" I sat up and had Demi do the same.

My heart began to race after I made up my mind on what I wanted to ask her. "Kiss me!"

"What? Kiss you? Are you sure?"

Making sure to look Demi in the eye, I said it again with as much confidence as I could. "Kiss me!" I said in a gentler tone.

Demi pulled me onto her lap and held my waist to keep me stable. I held onto the back of her neck. She pulled me in for a gentle kiss. Her lips were soft and I became hyper aware of everything. Her arms around me, the way I felt her heart beat, the way our bodies are fitting together like puzzle pieces.

Not unlike our hug from earlier, we slowly pulled away, not wanting to stop our kiss. "Hey babe, guess what? You just had your first kiss."

"Yeah, I did." It was everything I hoped it would be. It was simple, yet perfect in its own way and it was with my partner. It just so happens my partner is my soulmate. The person I never wanted, but I got anyways. So far, Demi has been nothing but amazing for me. I'm actually happy she convinced me to stop fighting the bond and to accept it.


After awhile, Demi and I got dinner and we're cuddling on the couch again. Barry is in Demi's lap, Luna is in mine, and Ryuk is above our head on the top of the headrest on the couch. Demi has an arm around me and I'm leaning against her.

An idea came to me. I gently moved Luna off of me and Barry off of Demi. "What's going on, babe?" She obviously confused.

I turned myself so I'm facing Demi. "I wanna say something." She paused the movie we're watching and gave me her undivided attention. "I'm sorry about being a jerk when we first met. I had my own ideas of a soulmate and I wasn't being fair to you. I treated you like you were unwanted when I should have gotten to know you first before making my final decision. I'm sorry I hurt you, babe."

"Love, it's alright. Thank you for apologizing. I'm just happy I have you in my life." Oh, she's gonna be even more happy after this conversation.

Demi leaned in and softly kissed me. We pulled away and rested our foreheads together. I took one of Demi's hands and held it against my heart and she did the same for me. "I, Ryder Thorn Copeland accept you, Demi Rose Bennett as my soulmate."

I gasped as I felt the strength of the bond shift. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that." Demi took a shaky breath in. "I, Demi Rose Bennett accept you, Ryder Thorn Copeland as my soulmate."

The bond strengthened again. Demi's heart began to race and so did mine. Suddenly, it felt as if an invisible chord between us grew tougher and now I have the huge urge to hold Demi close and to never let go, so that's what I did.

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