Chapter 24

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(Author's Note: What's this? 3 in 1 week? Don't mind me. Just on a writing spree. Y'all better prepare yourselves for this one cause it's gooooood!)

Demi and I planned on staying at her place this week. We decided to go on a date together while we had the chance. Dressing in casual wear, we left her house to try something new. "What do you say we go ax throwing, love?"

My hand was linked with hers as I sat in the passenger seat. I looked at my girlfriend and smiled. "That sounds like fun. Could we get Starbucks on the way?"

I was met with an amused giggle from Demi. "Absolutely, love." Staying true to her word, we stopped and got drinks. I ordered a refresher, and she ordered an iced coffee like the basics we are.

Arriving at our destination, Demi parked her truck and got out first. She jogged around and opened my door for me. "Thank you, Bear." I grabbed our drinks and slid out of my seat. I handed Demi her drink and took her free hand. We walked inside and went straight to the counter.

The girl on shift smiled at us. She told us our options were three throws, five throws, half an hour, and an hour. We paid for a half an hour. After we paid, we read the warning sheet provided and signed our names on it. "Ok, follow me to the first target." She took a big spray bottle with her. She sprayed the wooden target until it was saturated enough. "Ok, when you throw, do it one at a time. Don't cross over the caution tape on the floor here." She pointed at it. Taking two throwing axes, she sat one on the table beside us. "This is how you throw with two hands." She showed us the proper way to use the two-handed grip, then the one-handed. "Once both of you have thrown your ax, you can retrieve them. If you've been to an archery range, the safety tips I'm giving should be familiar. That's everything you need to know. My name is Angela. I'll be nearby to keep watch if you have any questions."

For the next thirty minutes, we threw the axes at the target. To make things more interesting, we made a bet on who could get more bullseyes before time ran out. It was no surprise that I could barely get my ax onto the target. Demi noticed I was struggling. "Having trouble, love?"

"Yeah, I can't seem to get it." I sigh with frustration.

After we retrieved our axes, Demi stood to my left. "Here, I'll show you what I'm doing. Stand back a little bit." I took a step back. "When you go to throw, step into it like this." She showed me how she's doing it. "Try breathing in first, then exhale as you throw it."

I did precisely as Demi said. When the ax went flying, it hit right in the middle. "Fuck yeah!" I grin at my girlfriend. She gives me a high five.

"Nicely done!" The rest of the time went well. Around ten minutes later, we finished. We returned the axes and left. "I'm pretty hungry after all that fun."

"Yeah, I agree. Let's go get food." And in true Demi fashion, she suggested we get pizza. The pizza sounded terrific, so that's what we ate for lunch. The rest of the day was spent with conversations, downtime, and time together.

That brings us to now. We were laying in bed together as we watch some random movie. I'm deep in thought, not even watching the movie anymore. "What are you thinking about?" My girlfriend's voice reaches my ears.

I reach for the remote and pause the movie. I sit up and face Demi. She also sits up to give me her undivided attention. Demi takes my hands in hers and rubs small circles with her thumbs. "I've been thinking for a few days. I think I'm ready to do the mating ritual with you. I want to give myself to you and bind us together."

Remaining calm, she beams and kisses my hands. "I wanted to as well. Honestly, I was waiting for you to be ready. I didn't want to rush you, so I wanted you to take your time with this. Did you want to do the ritual now?"

I nodded with a smile. "Yes, right now. I want our ritual to be my first time with you."

"Alright, we can do that. Don't worry about anything. I'll walk you through it all. This will be at your pace. What do you want for aftercare?"

I looked at her in confusion. "What's aftercare?"

"It's what we're going to do after sex. I'll give you some examples. I can get water for us. I can fetch a snack or make food. I can run us a bath or shower. I can hold you and talk to you. Or, I can give you alone time. What would you like?" As I pondered over this, I shrugged. "Alright, how about this? I'll give you the bare minimum I give. I'll run you a bath and give you a glass of water. While you soak, I'll change the sheets. After I do that, I can join you so I can hold you and help you wash since this will be tiring. We can go to bed once that's all done."

I smiled and nodded. "I like the sound of that."

Demi went to the kitchen to get us some water. When she returned, she put the glasses on the end table beside the bed. "Alright, then. Before we begin, we say the phrase. Repeat after me, love. This is our mating ritual. As of now, our minds, bodies, and souls will be intertwined. Two people become one. From this day forward, I am yours and you are mine. My mark shall appear on your body here." Demi pointed to my left upper arm.

"This is our mating ritual. As of now, our minds, bodies, and souls will be intertwined. Two people become one. From this day forward, I am yours and you are mine. My mark shall appear on your body here." I pointed at the same place on Demi, but on her right arm.


The process was long, but worth it. Demi was very patient with me. I was scared, but she made sure to comfort me and check in frequently. It's just us right now. Our limbs entangled with one another. I felt everything all at once. It was almost too much to bear. Luckily, Demi is here to keep me grounded.

Demi looked at me as we took a second to catch our breaths. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I pulled Demi in for a kiss. I couldn't seem to stop kissing her. I'm finding out just how addicting it is to feel her hands and lips all over my body. Even now as we kiss, the ecstasy I feel from her touch is astronomical.

Soon enough, we finished and Demi began the aftercare process. She ran a bath for me, making sire it's nice and hot. She carried me to the bathroom and helped me into the tub. As I soaked, she changed the sheets and the comforter. Once she was done, she came into the bathroom. "Care if I join, darling?"

"Not at all, beautiful." I moved so she could get in. She sat behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I leaned against her and smiled as I received cheek kisses and sweet nothings whispered in my ear.

Once the water got cold, we got out and dried off. Demi had me drink water while she did the same. We didn't even bother with getting dressed. We were too tired, so we slipped into bed. Demi held me close just like the time she held me during the thunderstorm.

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