Chapter 22

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Bestie Jake and I knew it's been a while since we actually hung out with Raine. So, we went out and about with her. Just like old times, we took a trip to the mall. We even held hands and skipped around, no doubt looking stupid.

"Ok, we hit Hot Topic, Spencer's, the candy store, and avoided Build-a-Bear so I don't go bankrupt." Raine and Jake laughed at my comment. "What else is there for us to do?"

"Wanna get food and regroup while we think it over?" Raine suggested. Jake and I agreed with her suggestion and went to the food court to get lunch. We sat down and ate together happily since we didn't have to complain about being hungry. "It's been some time since we've hung out like this. Anything new going on?"

Jake and I shrug. "My one coworker got fired, so that means I'm working overtime until we hire someone else," Jake told Raine.

"Oh, you know. Same shit, different day." I left it at that.

"Come on, Ryder, give me details. How is your relationship with Demi going?

Naturally, a smile made its way onto my face. "Things are amazing. We try to go on a date once a week. She's over here a lot, so I plan on going to her place soon."

"Ryder is only scratching the surface. She and Demi are so in love." Jake and I nudge each other. "Although, same for me. My relationship with Gionna Bear is growing stronger every day."

Raine is very happy for us and even tells us how she and Shotzi are doing. Eventually, after the subject has been changed, I find myself thinking deeply. "Everything ok, bestie?" I look up at Raine, who's concerned.

"I'm gonna make an impulsive decision." Neither of my friends are surprised in the slightest. I looked at Raine, then Jake. "I've been thinking about my future with Demi, and the only things left are the mating ritual and getting married. I know I want to marry her. I'm going to buy a ring while we're here."

They looked at me with shock after I dropped the bomb. "Wait, you can't just say that casually!" Raine said while standing from her chair. She walked around to hug me.

"Oh, thank God you said that. I wanna propose to Gionna, too." Bestie Jake revealed, which caused a reaction out of Raine and me.

We all hugged each other with excitement. "You too, huh?"

"Besties, this is amazing! We have to go look at rings together! Come on!" Raine suggested, to which Jake and I agreed.


The Judgment Day stands tall together. It's Raw, and we take a second to pride ourselves on our accomplishments. "We are the most dominant faction! Just look at us. These children came to me wanting to ascend above everyone else and to unlock their true potential. I am nothing but proud of you three." I smile as Dad compliments us.

Damian took this time to thank my dad. "Joining Edge is the smartest decision I've made. To learn from a living legend such as yourself is priceless. I also have found a family who accepts me one hundred percent."

I give Damian a side hug. "I agree with you, brother. I came to this industry wanting to find myself and follow in my parents' footsteps. I know everyone in the locker room feels I'm being handed opportunities, but that's a lie. I never had the favor of the WWE Universe. They've been against me since day one! You can hate me, but love Charlotte Flair, Roman Reigns, and the Usos. Is it because I didn't go through NXT like these two did? Huh!" I gestured to Rhea and Damian.

Rhea placed a hand on my shoulder to keep me grounded. Next, she delivered a speech on why she joined. I saw no lie. Especially the part about signing autographs and seeing them sold the next day.

Suddenly, the theme song of Shotzi plays through the arena. "Parker, Parker, Parker! I don't know what kind of high horse you think you're on, but I'm ending it. You cost Raina and me the women's tag team championships at Backlash. Tonight, I'm coming for you. You versus me in a falls count anywhere match!"

I look at Dad to see what he says. He nodded and gave me permission. "You think you can take me? I'd like to see you try. I accept!"


Soon after that encounter, Liv came out to have a match with Rhea. I stood on the side with Damian and Dad to watch. The match didn't last long. Rhea wiped the floor with Liv. I knew as soon as she put Liv in the Prism that the blonde was done. She tapped out pretty quickly and Rhea put her down. The rest of us climbed into the ring. Rhea looked to my dad to see what he wants. All dad had to do was nod to Liv and the Eradicator got the message. She put Liv in the Prism again and put extra pressure on. As she screamed, dad got to her level and taunted her, telling Liv to tap again. Once she did, Rhea put her down again. "Watch me, Liv! Watch me!" She mocked my bestie's soulmate.

Because I know that probably hurt, Jake felt it too. I knelt down and grabbed a fistful of Liv's hair to stay in character. "Yell fuck you to me if you're ok." I whispered to her.

"Fuck you, Parker! I hate you!" Satisfied in knowing she's ok, I let her go and left the ring.


A couple matches later, it's now time for my match. I went to the ring and waited for Shotzi. Like usual, she came out in her tank. She walked to the ring, keeping all her attention on me.

I leaned forward and rested my arms on the ropes as I presented an evil grin. What Shotzi doesn't know is I've placed a trap. Rhea ran from the back and attacked Shotzi from behind. The crowd booed as Rhea threw Shotzi into the steel steps. She then gave Shotzi a Riptide onto the apron. She climbed into the ring with me and winked at me. I bit my lip and smiled.

Our victory was short-lived. Raina's music played, which means she's coming to save Shotzi. Suddenly, I felt a pain that wasn't mine. I turned to see Rhea lying on the canvas and Raina with a kendo stick in hand. She whacked both of us with it repeatedly.  I rolled out of the ring and pulled Rhea out. "Are you ok?" I checked her for serious injury.

"I'm fine, don't worry." We looked at Raina, who now has a microphone.

"Bonjour, Parker. You may have taken out Shotzi, but I'm as fresh as a daisy. The falls count anywhere match is now between us. Get your coward self in this ring right now so I can kick your ass!" Raina pointed the kendo stick at me.

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