Chapter 20

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The Judgment Day stands in the back together. We watched on one of the screens as Rhea and Liv challenged Boss-N-Glow for the women's tag team championships. They did so last week but failed to win. Rhea, in her pool of defeat, walked away from Liv. Rhea apologized later and asked Adam Pierce to get another match for them. That's odd because Rhea Ripley doesn't ask; she demands.

"Look, she's gunning for the Riptide," Damian said, and true to his observation, she tried. Unfortunately, Sasha Banks is prepared and stops Rhea. They disposed of Liv and pinned Rhea, causing Liv4Brutality to lose.

"This is it. Liv4Brutality is done for as a tag team," I said as I watched Rhea stand up and Liv return to her.

"How can you tell?" Dad already knows too, but he turns to me with a smirk. He's asking me for my opinion.

I scoff and point at the screen. "The same thing happened to Nikki and Rhea." After I say that, they argue, and Rhea hits Liv from behind. Checkmate, we win. Rhea belongs to Judgment Day now. She just doesn't know it yet.


Gionna and Demi came home with me since we all had plans for tomorrow that included Bestie Jake. We went inside and called out for Jake. "Bestie, we're here!"

"Gionna Bear!" Jake hurried out of their room and greeted their soulmate first. They picked her up in a tight hug like they do for me. "I'm so happy to see you. Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

"No, bunny, I'm not hurt." She kissed my bestie on the forehead to reassure them she was telling the truth.

"Oh, thank God." They looked at Demi.

"Hey..." she's acting awkward since Jake had to see the breakup.

"Come here, bestie." Jake pulled her into a tight hug. A wave of relief washed over me. Part of it is what Demi is feeling. The rest is my own emotions. "I'm not mad, I promise. It was a lot for me to have to process." They pulled away and smiled at each other. Then, Bestie Jake looked at me with an expression that would kill me five times over. "You!"

I smiled and awkwardly waved. "Hey, bestie..."

They looked at Demi and Gionna. "Could you excuse us for a moment?" Our soulmates nodded and sat on the couch together. Jake grabbed my hand and took me to their room. They closed the door and stood by their bed with me.

"So uh....what's gonna happen now?" My nerves are acting up because I know they're gonna blame me for the break up of Liv4Brutality.

"This!" Jake grabbed me and used the obLIVion on me. I yelped as we landed on the bed with a thud.

"Are you two ok in there?" Gionna asked through the wall.

"Yeah, we're good! I just took an obLIVion." I chuckled and looked at Bestie Jake.

"That's my partner!" Gionna said with pride in her voice.

Jake and I let a silence fill the room as we figured out what to say. "You do remember that it's staged, right?"

"I know, trust me bestie, I know. It's just...hard. I'm still getting over your segment of hurting Liv to get Rhea to follow you to the ring. Now my favorite tag team is broken up and it happened with violence." We sat up and I placed a supportive hand on their shoulder.

"I get why you feel like this. Try looking at it this way. Liv and Rhea are the ones who hate each other. We both know Demi and Gionna are still close friends. I mean they are cuddling on the couch." I'm trying to be cautious with my words since I don't want to work up Jake more than I already had.

"I know, bestie. Now, come here." They pull me into a hug. I can't help but smile with relief. "I love you, bestie."

"Love you too, bestie." We pull apart and give each other a forehead kiss. Satisfied, we return to the living room. Gionna and Demi are in fact cuddling.

"Everything ok, you two?" Gionna asked us.

Bestie and I nod our heads. "We talked it out." I look at Jake and smile. They flash me a smile too. "Hey, I know something that could help with me making it up to you."

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I smirk at their confusion and look at our partners.

"Could you both step on them?" Bestie Jake started breathing heavily out of excitement.

Demi and Gionna looked at each other and grinned. They nodded and stood up. "Assume the position, bunny." Gionna said to Jake.

Jake breathed harder, practically hyperventilating. "Ok!" They lied down on the floor. I was trying so hard not to laugh at the situation.

"Are you ready, bestie?" Demi asked before doing anything. Jake nodded and gave a thumbs-up.

"I'm ready!" Demi put her foot on Jake's chest. Gionna put her foot on their face. "Psst! Bestie!" Jake whisper-yelled. "Take a picture!" I burst into laughter as I grab my phone. I take multiple pictures while giggling profusely. Demi and Gionna removed their feet and helped my bestie up. "Send that to me."

"Already on it." I sent all of the pictures to Jake. "So, what should we do now?"

"Well, I know what I want. I want cuddles with Rhea and Gionna Bear." Jake suggested, which earned smiles and nods from our soulmates.

"Wait, what about me?" I ask as Gia and Demi sit on the couch with Jake in between them.

"You can go do something else. I need to recover from the trauma you put me through." Jake smiled as Demi and Gionna held them tight.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Fine, I'll go see what Raine is doing." I walk out the door and go next door. I knock and wait for an answer.

Raine opened the door and smiled when she saw me. "Hey, bestie!"

We gave each other a hug. "Hey, bestie, can I hang out for a little bit? Bestie Jake is getting cuddles from our partners."

"Sure, I don't mind." I walk inside and sit on the couch with Raine. "So, what's new?"

"Nothing much, same shit different day. What about you?"

"Oh, you know, same here." I noticed Raine has a grin on her face and a light blush.

"Yeah? Then why do you look excited? Spill the tea." We adjusted so we're facing each other.

Raine started giggling before talking. "I hung out with Shotzi."

We squealed together and I grabbed Raine's hands. "Holy crap, that's great! Tell me all about it!"

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