Chapter 9

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"BESTIE, I'M HOME!" I shouted so Jake could hear me. Wouldn't want them to freak out and think I'm a murderer breaking into the place.

I heard Jake run out of their room. "Welcome back, bestie!" They engulfed me in a tight hug and picked me up in the process.

"Bestie, I can't breathe."

"I know you can't, however you need to give me a minute, Ryder. I know I told you to leave to spend time with Rhea, but you know I'm touch starved." He put me down finally so I can breathe. "So, how are things? How are you doing?"

I know Jake wants to hear all about my week, but I don't wanna get into it just yet. "Things are good. Did you watch Raw?"

"Did I watch Raw? Does a bear shit in the woods?" I laughed at Jake's rhetorical question. "Of course I watched it. You looked great, bestie."

"Thank you, bestie. Now, to address the elephant in the room. I'm sure you wanna hear all about my time with Demi, so let's go to my room. I gotta put my stuff in there and then we can spill all of the tea." Jake followed closely behind me with a smile.

"Yass, queen!" I chuckled and shook my head. "Need any help, bestie? I can carry something."

"Yeah, sure. Grab whatever you want. Either the black suitcase or the Nike duffle bag. That one has my civilian clothes and the suitcase has my ring gear and other stuff for work." I explained what each one has. Not like it matters anyways.

"Ok, I'll grab the suitcase since it has wheels." Since Jake grabbed that one, I carried the duffle bag to my room. We sat everything down and Jake made himself comfortable on my bed. I took a second to pull out my phone to message Demi.

"Give me a sec, bestie. I'm letting Demi know I made it home." I sent the text and joined my bestie on the bed. "Ok, I'll need you to mentally prepare yourself, bestie. Lots of exciting things happened. Would you like an emotional support stuffie?"

"I would love one, bestie." I reached behind me and grabbed a stuffed Yoda I've had since I was fourteen. I handed it to them, which earned a chuckle. "Of course you give me Master Yoda."

"Only the best for my bestie." I got comfortable and cleared my throat. "So, Demi picked me up from the airport. Right off the bat, I got a big hug from her." This earned an 'aww' from Jake. "Hold on, it gets better. Over the week, we hung out and did everything together. We watched movies, we cuddled, held hands; bestie, it was amazing."

"Aww, well I'm glad it went well. I'm happy for you, bestie." I put my hand on their shoulder to stop them. Jake did the same for me. "There's more isn't there?" I nodded enthusiastically. "Alright, hit me."

"So, while we were cuddling, Demi asked me out." Bestie Jake gasped and his face lit up. "Hang on, it gets better. We both officially accepted the bond. We said the acceptance phrase together." Jake gasped louder. "Wait wait wait wait! BESTIE, WE KISSED! On the lips!"


Our smiles were huge and I feel so overjoyed to tell my bestie about everything. "On the lips, bestie!"

"That's fantastic, Ryder! I'm so happy for you, bestie!" He pulled me into a tight hug, to which I returned.

"Thank you, bestie. Means a lot to me." We let go of each other.

"You're welcome, bestie." Jake and I sat there with huge grins, just happy about the fact that I'm happy with Demi. "So, when are you gonna see her again?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Other than work, I don't know. We haven't gotten that far yet." Suddenly, I gasped and started happy stimming.

"What, bestie? Why the stimming?"

"I forgot to tell you something! So, last night, there was a thunderstorm. You know they scare me, it's a thing." Jake nodded along. "Demi woke up and saw I was in distress. She pulled me close to her and comforted me to try and make me feel better." I paused and leaned in closer. "I fell asleep right then and there and slept for the rest of the night."

"You slept through a storm?" Bestie Jake is super shocked. "That's a big step for you. I'm super proud of you for managing through one with Rhea."

I nodded and sat in silence with Jake until I heard our stomachs grumble. "I guess we're both hungry. Wanna order pizza and watch Star Wars?"

"Bestie, is my favorite wrestler Aj Styles?" I know this is a rhetorical question.


"Then in the words of Stone Cold Steve Austin, ah hell yeah!" We laughed together before I answered.

"Ah hell yeah!" I ordered the pizza and went to the living room with my bestie to put on The Phantom Menace.

When it came time for the pizza to get here, we rolled a d20 to see who had to pay. Jake had to pay, so I gave them money for a tip.

We ate while we watched the rest of the movie, and then I put on Attack of the Clones after it was done. While we watched the second movie, I texted Demi. Even though it's been a few hours since I got home, we already miss each other. Hopefully this doesn't effect my sleeping habits.

"You ok, bestie? You seem off." I turned to Bestie Jake, who caught my mood change.

I sighed and smiled. "Yeah, I'm ok. I just miss Demi."

Jake nodded and patted my shoulder. "Oh, ok. Well, it'll be ok bestie. It'll be Monday before you know it. You can see her then." That's a comforting thought. It definitely helps with my situation. All I have to do is get through each day one by one until I can see Demi again.

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