Chapter 23

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"You know what? This will be easy! I accept!" Raina backed up to the corner and waited for me. I tossed the microphone and looked at Rhea, who was grinning at me. "Don't get involved. I'm winning clean. Just make sure Shotzi doesn't sneak up on me."

Rhea nodded and kissed my cheek. "For luck!" I nodded and climbed into the ring.

Raina bolted toward me and threw jabs at my face, not letting me prepare. I got backed into the turnbuckles as she proceeded to chop me and punch me over and over again. I heard the bell ring, so now the match is on. "This is for Shotzi!" Raina rammed her shoulder into my stomach repeatedly.

"Come on, Parker! You got this!" I heard Rhea cheer me on.

Raina ran to the other end of the ring, then ran toward me to jump into me. I moved at the last second, so she jumped into the turnbuckles instead of me. I took this opportunity to grab Raina by the back of the head. I slammed her face into the turnbuckle.

As she crumbled to the floor, I climbed up to do an aerial move. I look to my left and see a little girl in the crowd cheering for Raina. "Shut up, or you're next!" I pointed at her. The little girl looked at me with fear and sadness, which earned a roar of boos for me. I turn my attention back to Raina, who's charging for me. I jumped over her to duck and roll once I hit the canvas.

Getting an idea, I run to the ropes to set myself up. Raina followed me and gave me a clothesline so hard I flipped over the top rope and tumbled to the floor. "Parker!" Rhea hurried over and helped me up. "Are you good? Oh shit!"

I look up just in time to see Raina jumping from the post and hitting Rhea and me with a cross-body. She got up and walked over to where that little girl was. I pulled myself to my feet and made my way to Raina. I grabbed the back of her head and attempted to slam her head against the barricade. Raina caught herself and stopped my attack. She grabbed the back of my head and successfully returned the attack. I stumbled away and caught myself on the barricade. I take a second to breathe and gather my bearings. I inch forward towards the timekeeper's area. Raina followed me over, just like I wanted her to. I turned around and was met with a punch to the face. I growled and gave her a headbutt. Now that she was stunned, I grabbed Raina and gave her an exploder suplex into the barricade. I stood up and looked at Raina as I went to that dark place my father goes to. When she stood, I ran forward and speared her through the barricade. While we were down, I laid my arm over her to make a weak cover. The referee counted. "1...2...!" Raina kicked out.

"You good to continue?" I said so only she could hear.

"Yeah, I'm good. Let's make some magic." Raina responded to me.

After I checked in, we slowly pulled ourselves to our feet. We took a moment to breathe as we glared at each other. While we did, I noticed the crowd was chanting, "This is awesome!"

I stumble over to Raina and grab the back of her neck. I lead her over to the steel steps. Before I could do anything, she reversed our position and threw me into the steps. While I was down, she cleared off the commentary table. She returned to me and made me stand up. Going over, she slammed my back and put me on the table. Climbing up, Raina pulled me to my feet. She set us up to give me a power bomb. I resisted and broke free from her hold. I pulled her to me and lifted her for a Glam Slam. Slamming her down, I broke the table in the process.

Instead of covering her, I go to the ring and lift up the apron. "We want tables! We want tables!" I look under and pulled out a table. The crowd cheered, so I put it back, receiving boos as a result. Instead, I grab a chair. With a nod, I turn around and was met with a dropkick. I got sent into the post and crumbled to the floor.

Raina dragged me so I was in a good position for her to use her finisher. She even put the chair on top of my chest. Right as she climbed the stairs, Rhea knelt in front of me to block Raina. She smirked and waived her finger. "I don't think so, you twerp!"

Suddenly, I looked up to see Shotzi bolting around the corner. Rhea stood up and they exchanged blows. Shotzi shoved Rhea over the barricade and took the fight into the crowd. Meanwhile, Raina used her finisher on me. I coughed and gripped my torso as she ripped the chair away from me. She hooked my leg to cover me. "1, 2, 3!"

"Here is your winner, Raina!" Next thing i know, Shotzi is hopping the barricade and taking Raina by the hand. Rhea hops the barricade just as they make it up the ramp.

Rhea kneels beside me. "I'm here, Parker. I got you." She helped me up and brushed my shirt off. She looped my arm around her shoulders and helped me limp to the back.

Once we get to the locker room, dad and Damian are there waiting for us. "Good job, sweetie. Even though you lost, you gave Raina hell." He knelt in front of me. "I want you to challenge her again. Next time, losing is not an option."

I nod my head, knowing that this is an order and not a suggestion. "Understood, dad, I'll get the job done."

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