Chapter 14

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One week after the attack on Aj and joining my father, we decided to give a response. Dad wore an all-black suit because our group's theme is purple and black. I am also wearing a suit. The pants, shoes, and shirt are black. The jacket and bow tie is a dark purple floral pattern. Dad even had his theme changed.

We are walking to the ring to give our promo. I will have a short segment with Liv, Rhea, and Bianca. "Parker, wait!" Bianca leads the group.

I looked at my dad and nodded to him. "I got this, dad." Dad nodded and took a step back.

"What do you want? I'm about to go out there with my father." I told them because this wasn't an urgent matter.

Liv grabbed my hand. "Why would you do that last week, Parker? You're better than this. You don't hurt people like that."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I was holding back. I pretended to be someone I'm not so I could try to be something. To make my parents proud and to make a name for myself. I don't have to pretend anymore. I can be myself." I looked down and yanked my hand away from Liv. "My true self."

"You're gonna regret your decision," Rhea told me. It took everything in me not to react to her.

"We know you, Parker. Please don't do this." Bianca pleaded with me.

"You think you know me?" I laughed at them. "You never did!" I snapped at Bianca. I smirked and winked at Rhea.

"Come on, Parker. We have work to do." Dad put his hand on my shoulder. I let him lead me away. We walked to the ring for our promo. Dad did most of the talking. He gave his explanation first before giving me the floor. "None of you will ever understand! Just take Parker, for example. She gave you everything. She did as you asked. Parker dedicated herself to this business. The second she lost in her I quit match to Rhea Ripley, Parker became a nothing to you people!"

I stepped forward and gestured for dad to give me his microphone. "Dad, calm down. They aren't worth it." I softly said to him. "What my father says it's true. The WWE Universe and the other superstars in the back treat me like I'm nothing and will never become anything. The only way I can climb the ladder and come out on top is by learning from the best. My father, Edge." I looked at dad and shared a smile with him. "You and mom are the only ones who believe in me. You're all I need, dad." Dad and I hugged while the crowd booed us loudly.


In the back, dad and I were walking and talking. Dad stopped me all of a sudden. "What, dad?" He pointed ahead of us. My eyes landed on Damian Priest.

"I have an idea. Damian is perfect for our group. He's lost, and he has forgotten himself. We can recruit him." I nodded, agreeing with my Dad.

" that where I come in? You want me to talk to him?" Dad nodded and nudged me. "Oh, you mean now?" Knowing what he meant, I walked over to Damian. "Hey, Priest." He turned to look at me.

"You're not gonna attack me, are you?" He asked cautiously.

I shook my head. "No, I'm here to extend an olive branch. Edge and I have noticed you've been struggling. Consider joining us. We can help you find yourself. Edge sees you struggling with holding back. Join us, Damian. We'll never hold you back. You can be your true self."

Damian looked unsure and conflicted. "I...I don't know, Parker." He sighed and ran his hands over his face.

I placed a hand on his arm. "You don't have to decide now. Just think about it. When you decide, you know where to find us." I turned to walk away but stopped. "Oh, for what it's worth. I've always wanted to have a brother like you." I smiled and took my leave.

"Well, how did it go?" Dad asked me. I smiled and nodded.

"He's conflicted, that's for sure. I feel like I was convincing." I shrugged and took a moment to look back at Damian.

My father wrapped an arm around my shoulders for a side hug. "That's my girl. Good job, Parker. We'll let him think about it. Priest will come to his senses eventually. You'll see!"


Weeks pass by with dad and I going after Aj. I have to say; dad is doing great with pushing Styles. This will ensure Aj is at his best for Wrestlemania. We are also hard at work to try and recruit simultaneously. We haven't talked to Damian since because dad believes he will come on his own terms. My dad even believes that we can extend an olive branch to Aj as well. He would be a strong ally. Only time will tell for him.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" Dad noticed I've been acting off throughout all of this. "You have been seeming unfocused."

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, which I had recently dyed. It's dark purple on top with the underside black. I pointed ahead of me. In the distance, you can see Rhea and Liv having an interview. "I'm happy she's having fun, but I miss her."

My father nodded and patted my shoulder. "You know, I can arrange that. I think she would be a powerful ally to have. Give me time, and I'll see what I can do."

I smiled at him. "Thanks, daddy!" He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"No problem, Parker. Anything for my little girl." I hope dad is able to do something about Rhea. Having a storyline with her will help boost my morale.

I heard my phone go off with a text. I checked it and saw I have a message from Damian via text. It says: "I've made my decision. I'll tell you at Wrestlemania." I smiled and showed the text to dad.

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