Chapter 10

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The Royal Rumble has passed us by, and we are on the road to Wrestlemania. The next stop is the Elimination Chamber. I'm not involved since this event is in Saudi Arabia. Due to personal reasons, I'm not going to participate in the women's chamber match or even in Elimination Chamber as a whole.

Since I can't, Adam Pierce told me someone else will take my place. In the meantime, I'm supposed to talk to my dad.

"Hey, Parker!" Dad gave me a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug. This tells me this meeting is purposefully in the open. I subtly looked around to see if we were being watched. I noticed Damian Priest in an interview in the distance. "How are you, kiddo?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Doing good, can't complain. How are you, dad?"

"Same here, can't complain. Hey, I wanted to run something by you. I've got this idea. I wanna start a faction. It's for people who are pretending to be someone they're not. They can join and be free to be themselves." Dad seems pretty excited about this. I haven't seen him have this much passion in a long time.

"Well, it's usually not that simple for you. Where is the catch?" I crossed my arms as I questioned this faction.

"Ok, you caught me. I want this faction to run WWE, or at least Raw. We will serve justice and be the judge, jury, and executioner. This would include hurting some people along the way. Anybody who stands in our way will be punished. So, are you in?"

I shrugged since I don't wanna give an answer yet. Especially because I'm a babyface at the moment. I don't even know what I would have to do to turn heel. "I don't know. Can I have some time to think about it?"

"Sure, sweetheart, not a problem. Let me know when you've made a decision, ok kiddo?" I nodded and gave my dad a hug. He waited a few seconds before hugging me tighter. "Oh, and you should come to dinner sometime this week. Bring Rhea and your friend Jake if you can. Your mom and I want to meet them officially outside of work." Dad whispered so none of the nearby mics could hear.

"Yeah, got it, dad. I'll get back to you as soon as I can." We parted ways and I went to go find Bianca.

"Hey, Parker. What's up, babes?" Bianca used the nickname that her Liv and I have used for each other since I met them.

"Change of plans, B. I'm not going to Elimination Chamber. I'm supposed to be, but that's a mess up. Everyone knows why I can't go." Bianca nodded along. "During our match later, I need you to do whatever you can to help me fake an injury, so I'm taken out of the Chamber match completely."

"Ok, I can do that." As I'm talking to Bianca, I noticed Rhea walk by. She didn't notice me. "Don't worry, I got you, babes. Go get your girl."

I smiled at Bianca and ran after my girlfriend. "Babe!"

She turned around and smiled when she saw me. Rhea pulled me into a hug. "Hey, love." I had to be careful not to snuggle into her so I don't mess up my hair and makeup. "What's up?"

I pulled away and shrugged. "Nothing much, just talked to my dad. He's planning a big project and wants me to be a part of it. I'm not sure I want to, though."

"It should be fine, don't worry about it." Rhea shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I just remembered something I had to tell you. Due to personal reasons, I can't go to Elimination Chamber, which means we're gonna be very far apart for like a week." This earned a cringe from Rhea.

"I honestly forgot about that. This isn't good. We're not gonna be able to function." I nodded in agreement. We're gonna have to come up with something to help. This is gonna majorly suck. "What are we gonna do?"

I looked back behind me and saw Bianca still standing where I left her. Currently, she's talking to Montez. "I have an idea." I grabbed Rhea's hand and brought her with me to talk to Bianca and Montez.

"Hey, lovebirds, what can we do for you?" Bianca smirked at us when she noticed we're holding hands.

"I'm going over to another country for the pay per view. Since Parker has to stay over here, that means we have to be hundreds of miles apart. We don't know how to prepare for that." Rhea told Bianca with an urgency in her voice.

"I can understand the fear of being apart. What helps Montez and I is we both give each other a piece of clothing to swap."

Montez nodded with a smile. "Yeah, we usually trade shirts or hoodies. Something that smells like us. It's not the same as being together in person, but it helps when we have to travel separate for work."

Rhea and I nodded. "I think we can work with that."

We got ready for the gauntlet match. I got to watch my girlfriend destroy the competition. Bianca came out last and beat Rhea because she's fresher. I couldn't congratulate my girlfriend because I had to go out right after she came to the back.

My match with Bianca went as planned. Near the end, I subtly told Bianca to target my leg that just healed. We did a spot to make it look like I miscalculated an aerial attack. I faked the injury pretty good. The ref asked me if I could continue. I said I could and tried to stand, but pretended my knee buckled. Bianca used the K.O.D. on me to finish the match. "Here is your winner, the EST of WWE, Bianca Belair!"

Bianca helped me stand so I can raise her hand in the air. "Good job, B." She helped me limp to the back so we can give a medical check-up promo. We passed Rhea who looked concerned since she didn't know about the plan. "Don't worry, it's just for the camera." I said in a low voice so only her and Bianca could hear.

She sighed with relief and came with Bianca and Liv to check on me. "Is she gonna be ok, doc?" Liv asked as the cameras came in.

"As far as it looks, the injury is too serious. She's gonna have to let it heal. No Elimination Chamber for you, Miss Phoenix." Tears welled up in my eyes. Thinking about Demi being gone is what's helping me with making this look real.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault." Bianca looked guilty.

"It's ok, I'm not mad. I'll be watching you guys." Bianca gave me a side hug and Liv held my hand.

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