Chapter 21

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The following day, I woke up to the sounds of someone in the kitchen. I can hear Gionna giggling, so I assume she and Jake are making breakfast for themselves.

I sigh and stretch out my limbs. Once I do that, Demi pulls me closer. I giggle and turn over to see if she's awake. My adorable girlfriend is still sleeping but still wants cuddles. "If only the world knew that The Nightmare, Rhea Ripley, is such a softie. You wouldn't survive without your cuddles."

I snuggle closer to Demi and wrap an arm around her. This resulted in Demi wrapping her arms around me. It feels like she's snuggling me like a teddy bear. I moved some and started peppering kisses all over her face. Once she was awake, I properly kissed her. "Well, good morning to you too, love."

"Come on, let's go have breakfast and get ready. We've got plans today." Before we got out of bed, Demi pulled me to her. Now I'm straddling her, and she's pulling me in for a kiss. For some reason, this kiss feels different like there's a hidden desire behind it.

"Bestie!" We pull apart after hearing a knock on the door. "I don't know if you're awake, but Gionna Bear and I made breakfast."

"We'll be right out, bestie," Demi replied for us. She let me go, and we got out of bed and went to the kitchen together.

Jake and Gia greet us with smiles. It looks like they made up enough eggs, bacon, and toast for all four of us. We all filled up our plates and ate together. "OK, so here's the plan. We go to Dave and Buster's and get Starbucks on the way home."

"Sounds good to me." I finish eating and make up another plate.

"Getting more? Wow, that's unusual for you." Jake pointed out.

I shake my head. "It's not for me. I'm gonna take some over to Bestie Raine. I'll be right back." I take the plate and walk over to Raine's. I knock on the door and wait for a response. I wait a minute and there's no response. Just for shits and giggles, I see if the door is unlocked. The handle turns and the door opens. "Bestie, it's Ryder, not a murderer. I've got some breakfast for you."

Raine came out of her room with a yawn. "Hey, bestie." It looks like she just woke up. "You're a lifesaver. I'm not feeling the best." She takes the plate from me. "I'll take a free meal anyday."

My worried sibling instincts kick in. I feel her head. "You're not running a fever. I'm not sure what's wrong."

Raine brushed my hand away. "I'm fine, mom."

"Hey, I'm allowed to worry about you. Go get some rest. I'll get you some Starbucks on my way home." I smile and walk towards the door.

"Do you remember my order?" Raine asked me.

"Yup, still do!" I walk out the door and go back to my place. I get ready just in time for us to leave. While I wait for the others, I feel a familiar pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind.

I leaned into Demi's embrace as she kisses me on the cheek. "I can't wait to spend the day with you." I turn my head to look at her. We share a smile as we get lost in each other's eyes.

"Aww, you two are so cute." Demi and I look at Bestie Jake after they interrupt us. "However, we're cuter."

Gionna came over to Jake. They smiled at each other like Demi and I just did. "I agree, Bunny, we're definitely cuter."

"You are not cuter than us." Demi scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Of course we are. Now let's go, we've got a double date to get to." Bestie Jake scooped Gionna into their arms.

"Hey, wait a minute! You won't win this! You're not gonna be cuter than us!" I hopped on Demi's back go she could give me a piggyback ride.

Jake and Liv laughed. "Watch me!" They said at the same time and headed out the door.

"They're not gonna out cute us. To the car, Demi Bear. Mush!"


The date went well. We all had fun at Dave and Buster's. I also kept my promise to Raine and got her Starbucks on the way home.

In other news, Wrestlemania Backlash came very quickly. Another PLE where I don't have a match. That's OK, it just means I have plenty of time for shenanigans.

For now, I'm in the back with Damian watching my father's rematch with AJ. Damian and I are barred from ringside due to us fighting with AJ this past week.

"Alright, come on." I start walking to the gorilla.

Damian stopped me. "We can't go out there. We'll disqualify Edge."

"We can't be ringside. Who said we will be?" Damian smirked when I said that and gave me a nod. We ran down the ramp together, but stopped just before the ringside area. AJ shouted at us, which means our distraction is working. WAS working. Suddenly, Finn Balor comes out of nowhere and attacks Damian from behind. I can't even react because I'm hit from behind too. I double over in pain and look up to see Liv Morgan with a kendo stick.

She hits me over and over again until I'm in a fetal position and the kendo stick is broken. "I'm coming, Finn!" Just like that, she leaves to help Finn fight off Damian.

I slowly sit up in time to see a hooded figure interfere in the match, causing AJ to lose. My father's music played, signaling his win. The hooded figure entered the ring and knelt before dad, pledging their allegiance to The Judgment Day. They remove their jacket and turned around. It's Rhea Ripley! I laugh in victory as her and dad raise their fists together.


I didn't get to properly celebrate with my girlfriend since I have my own business to attend to. During one of the breaks, the lights were dimmed for a video package. I put on Rhea's jacket and hood so I could sneak down to the ring. I crawled underneath the ring. I found a spare monitor underneath and watched everything until I saw Raina and Shotzi come down for their match. I don't appreciate Raina interfering in Judgment Day business. Especially when the business involves me. So, I'm going to give her a taste of her own medicine.

In the heat of the match, I grabbed a toolbox and searched through it. Finding a chain in it, I smirk with satisfaction. I wrap it around my hand so I can use it like brass knuckles. Hearing Shotzi fighting someone outside the ring was enough for me to come out of hiding. When the ref wasn't looking, I hit her from behind, then I hid again so the ref doesn't catch me. Next, Raina rolled out of the ring. The referee is distracted again, so I took this opportunity to hit Raina too. That wasn't enough, so i hit her a few more times with the chain. I quickly threw the chain underneath the ring. To add insult to injury, I kneed her in the face and threw her against the steel stairs. After that, I rolled Raina into he ring for Sasha.

My actions caused Boss-N-Glow to win. As their victory is announced, I made my way up the ramp. I waved with a mischievous grin at Shotzi.

What I didn't expect, is for Shotzi to run after me with a kendo stick. Similar to Liv's attack, she smacked me over and over again until I fell to the floor and into a fetal position.

The only reason why I could get up was because Damian came out and scooped me up from the floor. He carried me to the back so I could be tended to.

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