Chapter 4

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"Alright, I'm settling this because you both don't want to. Have a match to determine what's gonna happen." Bianca said, trying to dispel the tension.

"And not just a regular old match either." Dad told us. "Something high stakes so we don't revisit this. Something like a steel cage match."

Before Rhea could agree, I stepped in. "No, that's not good enough." Rhea looked at me with annoyance.

"Alright, princess, how should we proceed then?" There was venom in her tone and it pissed me off.

Dad put a hand on my shoulder to show support. "I challenge you to an I Quit match. If I win, we leave each other alone like we never met. If you win, then I give in and stop fighting the bond." I extended my hand to Rhea.

"Oh jeez, here we go. This is stupid, but hopefully it'll get you two to stop arguing. What do you say, Rhea?" Bianca looked at Rhea to see what her answer will be.

Rhea smirked and shook my hand. "I accept your challenge. I hope you'll bring your A game. I don't lose."

She walked away to let Mr. McMahon know about our plans. "Thanks for the help. By the way, why are you so passionate about my bond with Rhea?"

Bianca sighed and smiled. "You're not the only one who's got a soulmate. Montez and I are soulmates." My eyes widened and and she smiled. "He was tricked by his ex. She manipulated him into thinking they were soulmates. She hurt him and he finally left her. Then Montez met me through work and found out I'm the one he's destined to be with. He was hesitant at first because of what he went through. After I convinced him to give me a chance, we hit it off and eventually fell in love. All I'm telling you is to give Rhea a chance. She's been hurt too. Hurting her is just cruel."

I sighed as Bianca patted my back and left. "Come on, sweetheart. We've got a promo to shoot." Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Dad, what happens when someone gets rejected by their soulmate?" He looked at me with a shocked expression.

"I've told you before. Have you ever paid attention to the stories I told you while you grew up?" I shook my head, which earned a sigh of disappointment. "When someone rejects their soulmate, bad things happen. Researchers say that most of the time, both partners end up dying. One dies of a broken heart and the other follows shortly after because it's impossible to live without your soulmate. There have been a few cases where there is no death, but both parties are miserable. They can get non communicable diseases such as cancer or MS. Some have reported severe anxiety and depression."

"That's what I was afraid of. I literally have no option." I can only hope to win my match against Rhea. "At least if we act like the other doesn't exist, it won't have the same results. We only have to verbalize the rejection, right dad?"


The match between Rhea and I became the main event of the night. Because of that, we had plenty of time to stretch the match. It was long, relentless, and we're both exhausted. It's been awhile since my limits were pushed like this.

I will give credit where it's due. Rhea is a fighter and I haven't seen determination like I have from her. She's just as hungry for this win as I am. We're both trying our best to get each other to say I Quit. It's a taxing mission, as we both are stubborn and don't know when to quit.

Half of the arena was screaming my name and the other is screaming Rhea's. It's keeping us going and fueling our egos and determination. As much fun as it is, all good things must come to an end.

We are nearing our time limit and Rhea and I have used up most of our energy. I've got to kick it into high gear.

Something I've been trying to do is target her legs. I can't out muscle her, so I knew I'd have to slowly break her apart.

I noticed she's finally favoring a leg. That means Rhea is getting weaker. Specifically after she had me on the canvas trying to put me into her submission technique, the Inverted Cloverleaf. "Do you quit?" The referee held a microphone to my mouth.  I answered with a no. While she was trying to make me submit, I used my body weight and momentum to swing under Rhea and flip us over. I recovered quicker, so I came up with the idea to punish her legs. I did anything to hurt them and weaken her. I knew it was working because it felt like I was hurting myself too.

I even tried to use the Sharp Shooter and the Figure Four on her. She fought through the pain and somehow broke away from me. I recovered quicker and stood up. I grabbed Rhea by her hair and threw her into the turn buckles. I even body slammed her. "Get up there." I made Rhea climb the ropes and sit on top. I climbed up with her and went to set up for a Superplex.

Rhea started hitting me in the side to make me stop. Out of desperation, she drove her elbow into my leg. Right above the knee that I had hurt weeks ago.

I gripped my leg and groaned in pain. To retaliate, I copied Rhea and rammed my elbow onto her hurt leg. "Ah!" Rhea scrunched up her face and cried out in pain. She grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me to her for a nasty headbutt.

I almost fell because of how dizzy I got, but Rhea caught me. She turned me around and set me up for her finisher. With a huff, Rhea stood up while still on the second rope. She jumped, using the Avalanche Riptide on me.

The referee asked each of us if we quit, each answered with a no. Suddenly, I felt Rhea grab my legs. She pulled me into the Inverted Coverleaf again. "Do you quit?" The referee held his microphone to my mouth. I screamed in pain because the way my legs are bending feel excruciating.

The dizzy feeling I have and the leg pain is too much. "I QUIT!" Rhea dropped me to the floor and I heard the bell ring.

"Here is your winner, Rhea Ripley!"

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