Chapter 18

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Monday came around. That means I have Judgment Day business to conduct. Dad told me I would work on getting Rhea Ripley to join us. It might be tricky since she's still in a tag team with Liv. They're still going after the women's tag team titles too. Rhea shouldn't worry about that. She has so much potential, and the Nightmare is wasting it. That's alright; I'm not worried. I'll be the one to open her eyes.

I got here early and searched for Liv and Rhea. I found them as they just came in. "You know, I find it funny." They stopped in front of me. "Rhea, you have held almost every women's championship this company offers. You are a force to be reckoned with. There's just one problem." I pointed at Liv. "You're wasting your potential by staying in a lousy tag team with Miss Morgan here. She's made you weak. You're being brought down to someone else's level. Just like when you were tagging with Nikki."

"Don't talk about Liv like that. She's been amazing, and I enjoy being in a tag team with her." Liv protectively stepped in front of Rhea. Rhea wrapped an arm around her to keep Liv calm.

"You should drop Liv. She's not worth it. Join the Judgment Day. We will elevate you. I can show you your true potential." I outstretched my hand, offering an olive branch.

Rhea scoffed at me. "Your pathetic offer means nothing to me. I'm not joining your little cult."

The tag team left while I stayed. "Oh, Rhea, that's where you're wrong." I chuckled darkly. I went to my father's locker room to change into my ring gear.


Later on, Liv was getting ready for a match. Rhea was nowhere to be seen. Good. Time to spring the trap. I snuck up and punched Liv from behind. I kicked her a couple of times to keep her stunned. I removed my leather jacket to give myself more mobility. "Rhea! Help me!"

I had to act fast before Ripley caught me. I grabbed Liv by the hair and stood her up. I set her up for the Glam Slam. I executed it, then quickly put Liv into a Calf Crusher. She screamed in pain as I added more pressure. "Liv!" I released Liv and got off of her. "You jerk, I'm gonna rip you to shreds!" I smirked at Rhea.

"Why don't you fight me, then? You and me, let's have a match." I baited her to follow me.

"This will be easy. I've beaten you before, and I'll do it again!"


Adam Pierce made the match official, so now, Rhea and I are going to the ring. "The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Parker Phoenix!" The crowd booed me, so I smiled and soaked it in. "And her opponent. From Adelaide, South Australia, she is the Nightmare. Rhea Ripley!"

My plan is simple here. Get into Rhea's head. What better way to get into the Australian's head? Make her feel weak and alone. Once she realizes that, she'll reach out to Judgment Day for power.

Right as she got into the ring, I went after her. I drop-kicked her into the turnbuckles, which sent her tumbling to the floor. The crowd booed loudly, clearly upset over me playing dirty. I walked over and kicked and stopped her. "Who's weak now, Rhea? Huh!" I grabbed her and drug her body to the middle of the ring. I put Rhea into the figure-four. She sat up and screamed. "You're weak, Rhea! You should have taken my offer. You can take it back. Join me, and you won't suffer. You will rise and become the most dangerous woman in this locker room!"

"Never! I'll never join you!" She punched my face, then headbutted me. I fell back onto the canvas. She rolled us so the pressure was off of her and added to me. I grunted in pain and flipped us again. We flipped each other over until we got to the edge of the ring and fell off together. We untangled our legs, and I pulled myself to my feet. I limped over to the announcer's desk and rested for a moment to catch my breath. That was my mistake because Rhea recovered quicker than I thought she would. She grabbed my hair and slammed me against the desk two times. When she tried for a third time, I stopped her by putting my hands on the desk. I elbowed Ripley in the gut and slammed her onto the desk.

I grabbed the Nightmare and took her to the apron and made her get into the ring. I followed her in, which caused the bell to ring shortly after. Now the match has officially started. I grabbed Rhea and set her up for the Glam Crusher. I slammed her down, then put her into the calf crusher. Rhea screamed in pain. Using the figure-four earlier was smart. Her legs are weakened. "Give up, Rhea. You can't beat me! I'm better than I was before. Say you quit! Do it!"

"Ah! I quit!" She tapped out, which caused the bell to ring. I let go and stood up.

"Here is your winner by submission, Parker Phoenix!" I rose my fists into the air to soak in the victory.

I knelt down as Rhea gripped her leg. "You will join us." I grabbed Rhea by her hair and made her look at me. "You may not see it now, but you're gonna lose. You'll lose against Boss-N-Glow. Liv is gonna fail you. You're gonna be lost without a purpose. When that happens, come find me. We'll welcome you with open arms. I'm sure Damian would love to see you fight along side him."

Liv's theme blasted through the speakers. She ran towards the ring with a purpose. I quickly got out as Liv crouched beside Rhea. I smiled evily and walked backward. I went to the back to join my father and Damian. "Good work, kiddo. Now, all we have to do is wait."

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