Chapter 3

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My parents eventually left after Rhea and I convinced them I was gonna be alright. Rhea had carried me to the cantina so we could watch the rest of the Rumble on the screens in the back.

The doctors told me I'll be ok, but they strongly recommended going to an Urgent Care facility tomorrow. Only because with whatever information they gathered, they think I strained my knee.

As much as I wanted to fight the bond, I couldn't leave Rhea's side. Every time she makes physical contact with me, it feels right.

With every touch I felt, I involuntary leaned into it. Yeah, it felt nice, but I realized I was falling into the trap every soulmate bond has. My heart wanted this, but my head fought against it.

After I realized this, I tried to subtly fight against the bond. It felt like I was pulling at an invisible string that was attached to my chest.

At some point when I was really trying to fight the bond, I noticed Rhea clutch her chest. "Ryder, stop fighting the bond. You're hurting me."

"I'm sorry, but I don't like this. I don't like the idea of being tied down. I don't really date and I just want to succeed in my career. I don't want the distraction of worrying about you. You saw what happened. I threw myself in between you and Nikki and Brie. I got hurt while doing it." I huffed and crossed my arms. "This is terrifying to me. Suddenly, all I can think about it you. All I want is you. You holding me like this makes me feel safe and protected. I feel what you feel. The part that scares me the most is you feel like home. The only people I've felt that way with are dad and Mama Beth."

Rhea sighed and let go of me. "Well, it's not just you being affected by the bond. I am too. Unlike you, I've always wanted a soulmate." She rubbed her arm and I can feel she's nervous and......I don't know what else she's feeling. I'm not sure. "I've always hoped I had someone out there waiting for me. Someone who knows how I feel. They would be there for me on good days and the bad ones too. I can go home with them and feel safe in their arms........and then I met you." My heart skipped a beat. She stood up so she can fully face me. "If this is how you're going to treat me, then I guess soulmates are overrated. I don't wanna be stuck with someone who won't appreciate and love me. I'm pretty disappointed in you, Ryder. If you need time, then I get it. If you don't want me, then tell me and get the rejection over with. I've had plenty of rejections from crushes and boyfriends! What's one more from the person I'm destined to be with?" Her voice is shaky and I can tell she's trying not to cry.

"Demi, I'm sorry." All I can feel is her pain. I tried reaching out to her, but she flinched away. That simple action felt like someone stabbed my heart with a needle.

"Just-" Rhea's voice cracked. I noticed tears spilling out and running down her face. "Just leave me alone." She walked out and left the arena.


After my parents won their match against The It Couple, they came back to check on me. "Where did Rhea go?" Dad asked and looked around, trying to find the blonde Australian.

"She left and it's all my fault." Mama sat beside me. "I'm a terrible person, Mama. All Demi wants is someone that will love her. I always thought I didn't want a soulmate. She told me if I'm gonna keep resisting the bond, then I should reject her and get it over with. When I even think about rejecting Rhea, I can't find the strength within to do it."

"Oh, honey." Mama Beth pulled me into a side hug. Dad knelt in front of me.

"I really fucked up, Dad. I don't know what to do. I hurt probably the most important person in my life because I'm being selfish." My parents held me and told me it was all gonna be ok. As much as I want to believe it, I don't know if that's true.


I took a medical leave for a few weeks to let my knee heal. It was annoying since my family wouldn't let me do anything.

Luckily, my doctor cleared me last week and I'm able to go back to work. That means I can be free of all the babying.

After getting to work and gearing up, I was approached by Bianca. "Parker, I heard what happened after the Royal Rumble. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm all healed up, see." I hopped on the leg that was injured.

"That's great to hear. Liv and I are happy to be able to work with you." Bianca nudged me with her elbow.

"It'll be great to work with my besties again." I felt my heart skip a beat and begin to race. I looked over my shoulder and saw Rhea. She had stopped walking and was looking at me. Suddenly, I felt a pain in my chest. I gasped and clutched my chest.

"Parker, what's wrong?" Bianca grabbed onto me. We both looked at Rhea. She's concentrating on me and I realized she's fighting the bond. "Rhea, stop! You're hurting her!"

"Good, she deserves it for hurting me." I gasped for air and felt sweat drip out of my body.

"Rhea Ripley, you will stop hurting my daughter this instant!" She stopped fighting just as quickly as she started. I was about to collapse. Luckily Bianca and Dad caught me before I could.

Rhea walked over to me with a guilty expression. "That's what it felt like every time you fought against the bond. I know you don't like this, but it's not fair to hurt me like that. Imagine feeling this for over a week straight."

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