Chapter 12

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Unfortunately, Demi and I can't greet each other until after the show. She's busy with Liv since they have a new tag team that's being put together. Me on the other hand? I'm busy with dad.

I've decided I'm going to join him. The group he's forming starts tonight. All he wants is a pledge of loyalty. Easy enough, right? Dad also told me his promo won't involve me yet, but he is gonna send out an official on-camera offer to me. I'm supposed to give him my answer next week.

So, later on, I'm watching what was happening on a monitor from the back. Dad made an open challenge. The person that accepts is the one he will face at Wrestlemania.

Aj Styles is the man who accepted. I smiled because I respect the hell out of AJ. He is an amazing superstar and has been doing this for years. My dad praised AJ, then he began to berate him. After he finished, he attacked AJ.

Dad got two chairs which means he's going to give AJ a conchairto. My theme song hit just as dad finished tucking one chair under AJ's head. I walked out and looked at my dad. Our eyes locked and stayed that way as I walked to the ring. I cautiously crawled into the ring, under the bottom rope. I put one hand out and approached dad. "Daddy, give me the chair." He looked skeptical and hesitated. "Trust me, give me the chair. I won't hurt you, I promise."

He nodded and carefully handed me the chair. He watched as I turned the chair in my hands. I took one look at him and smiled evilly. I rose the chair into the air and slammed it onto AJ's head, giving him a conchairto. The crowd popped with a loud boo. Dad laughed maniacally at what I just did for him. I tossed the chair to the side and knelt at my father's feet. He gestured for me to stand. Dad pulled me in for a hug and his theme played through the arena.


I walked out to the back of the arena to my car. There's always a chance that a fan or someone will see the superstars back here. So, when Demi came out behind me, I had to make sure I didn't greet her like a partner. We wanna keep this a secret for as long as possible. "I'll text you my address. Unless you just wanna follow me?"

"I'll follow you, that's alright with me. Give me your address in case we get separated." I nodded and texted it to her. "See you there, I love you."

"I love you too." We shared a smile and got into our vehicles. I messaged Bestie Jake that we were on our way so they had time to mentally prepare. I also made sure to give frequent updates so my bestie isn't surprised.

Finally, after hours of driving, we made it home to my place. Demi and I parked and exited our vehicles. We paused and smiled. We're now out of sight from any cameras. Demi hurried over to me to pick me up. I wrapped my legs around her waist and my arms went around the back of her neck. We held each other in a tight embrace. Our bodies finally relaxed and it felt like we melded into each other. "Fucking hell, I missed you so much, Demi."

"I missed you too, Ryder. God, I missed you like hell." I unwrapped my legs to get down, but we stayed in each other's arms for a little longer.

"Before we go inside, I should warn you." We pulled away just enough so we can look at each other. "Bestie Jake is a fan of yours. They will freak out when they see you. Just bear with me." Demi nodded and leaned in for a kiss. It was hard to pull away, but we had to. We need to go inside and go to bed. "Get your things and we'll go inside." We got our stuff and went inside. "Bestie! I'm home, and I brought Demi!"

I heard an "Oh my god" from their room. They ran, more like walked, out of their room to greet us. "Before I freak out, bestie!" They picked me up for a hug. "Welcome home, bestie."

They put me down. I turned to my soulmate. "Demi, this is Bestie Jake. You already know her, bestie."

Their eyes went wide, practically bulging out of their head. They were breathing fast. "H-h-h-hi! You're Rhea Ripley. Rhea Ripley is in my home, standing in front of me."

Demi grinned with amusement. "Hi, bestie."

"Hey, how's it going?" Jake breathed harder. "Oh my god, bestie, they called me bestie!" I laughed at Jake's reaction. I gestured to Demi, and she nodded.

"Do you like hugs?" She asked, still amused.

"Does a bear shit in the woods? Oh hell yeah!" Demi and I laughed. She nodded and picked Bestie Jake up for a hug like they did for me. "Bestie, she's hugging me!" They whisper-yelled.

"Yeah, I can see that." I'm still laughing from amusement. Demi put them down. "Bestie, I'm gonna need you to try and calm down. Take deep breaths." Jake nodded and tried to calm their breathing, but failed. "Ah fuck, this isn't gonna work."

"Ah fuck!" They said, imitating Liv Morgan.

"Ok, babe, could you take our stuff to my room? It's down the hall to the left. I'll calm Bestie Jake down because we all need to go to bed."

"Do you actually think I'm going straight to bed?" I rolled my eyes at Jake.

"No, but you should at least be laying in your bed. By the way, did you take your meds today?" I lead them to their room.

"Actually, yes, I did. Did YOU?" They crossed their arms and gave me a questioning look.

"Obviously not since I just got home. Don't worry about me, I'll take them. Besides, if I forget, I've got Demi to remind me too." I sent Jake to bed, then went to my room where Demi is already changed and laying in my bed.

"Take your meds, love." She looked up from her phone with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes a chuckled. "Were you listening in to my conversation with Jake?" Demi nodded to confirm. I took my meds and changed into something more comfortable. I joined Demi in my bed soon after. "Goodnight, babe."

"Sweet dreams, love." We give each other a lingering kiss, then snuggled up to each other. I relaxed and fell asleep as I listened to her heartbeat.

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