Chapter 19

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Friday came around. Raine had ridden with me to go to the venue for SmackDown. I am to try and recruit here for Judgment Day. "How are you gonna help me with Shotzi?" We had been silent for most of the ride.

Without taking my eyes off of the road, I offered my hand to give my friend support. She's clearly nervous. "Simple, I'm gonna force you to talk to her."

"What!" She looked at me shock, causing me to laugh.

"Relax, Raine, I'm joking. We're gonna have a segment together. I've got Judgment Day business. You'll know when to come out." What Raine doesn't know is this will ultimately get her and Shotzi to talk. Which is all I want because she needs to stop hurting herself and Shotzi. "We're here!" I parked the car and got out.

"I hope this goes well." I grabbed our bags and handed Raine's over.

"You'll be fine, bestie. You are on AEW before. You've already got experience. If you need anything, Liv will be here too. She's gonna be fighting Sasha tonight." I offered my arm for Raine so she can use me to ground herself.

We walked in the building to get ready. We went to get our hair and makeup ready first. I kept Raine in conversation throughout. "Woah, look at you, bestie. You look different than usual."

I chuckle from the observation. "It's because of the Judgment Day. I changed some of my look to match it. Especially since I'm the right hand to my father. I need to look the part."

"That makes sense. I can't wait to see you in action. I've watched you ever since you joined the company. I'm so proud of you." Raine offered a smile.

I couldnt give a facial reaction since the finishing touches are being added. "Aww, thanks, bestie. Just remember, though. When the cameras are rolling, we are Parker and Raina."

Raine rolled her eyes at me. "Well, duh."


Raine and I were watching Shotzi from the back. She's fighting Shayna Baszler, and losing. It's pretty obvious since Shayna is killer competition. The bell rung after Shayna made Shotzi tap out. I nod, impressed with Shayna. "What are you doing?" Raine saw me walking towards the entrance to go out to the ring.

"Judgment Day business, stay out of this." I'm in character and I made myself sound threatening. I walk out with a microphone. "Wow, valiant effort, Miss Shotzi." She was not standing and holding her arm, which is clearly hurt from Shayna's joint manipulation. "It seems like you almost had Shayna, but you just fell short."

I made it to the stairs when Shotzi retorted. "Cut to the chase, Parker. What do you want?"

I smirked at the green haired woman and climbed into the ring. "Oh, fiesty, are we? I like that." I began to stalk Shotzi and circled around her. I acted like a predator, and Shotzi is my prey. "I won't lie, I'm here with Judgment Day business. Edge wants more people and told me to scope SmackDown. Honestly, nobody here is deserving of joining." I stopped in front of Shotzi and pointed at her. "Except you!"

"Me? I'm deserving?" She quirked an eyebrow and chuckled.

"Yeah, you are. You're someone who faces problems head-on without a second thought. You don't even think of the consequences. You have heart and you have skills that make a good competitor. If you join us, you can be better. We will sharpen your edges and make you into someone to be feared and taken seriously. So, Shotzi, what do you say?" I extended my hand to her.

Shotzi reached out and hesitated, then cautiously took it. To my surprise, she spat in my face. I let go of her hand and wiped the small bit of saliva off of my cheek. "My answer is no. I've seen your work and I want no part of it." 

I felt my anger flow through my body. I glared at Shotzi and gave her a headbutt. She fell to the floor, which gave me time to take my suit jacket off. She sat up by then, so I grabbed a fistful of her hair and made her look at me. "You should have joined while you had the chance."

Suddenly, a theme song I've never heard before played. I looked up and saw Raina Tempête. I smirked and shoved Shotzi away as Raina ran towards me with a purpose. She slid under the bottom rope and ducked under a clothesline I threw. She then drop kicked me into the turnbuckles. I fell to the floor with a grunt. I rolled over just as Raina jumped like she was using a moonsault. Instead of landing like normal, she double stomped me like Finn Balor's coup de grace. After she landed I held my stomach in pain. I rolled out of the ring to escape further injury. I went into a coughing fit as I tried to sit up.

I pulled myself to my feet and backed away from the ring. "Tu devrais faire attention avec qui tu plaisantes, Parker. Si vous touchez à nouveau Shotzi, je vous diviserai en deux." (Translation: You should watch who you mess with, Parker. If you touch Shotzi again, I'll split you in half.) Raina threw the mic and helped Shotzi up. I couldn't show it, but I'm happy that my friend will finally talk to Shotzi.


I made it to Demi's place after a long drive. I greeted the dogs and walked into the living room. Demi was sleeping on the couch. She must have passed out while waiting for me. "Babe, wake up." She squinted her eyes open and looked at me. "Come on, let's go to bed."

Demi nodded and let out a yawn while she stretched. She sat up and stood up from the couch. I lead my tired girlfriend to her room and changed out of my suit. I joined Demi in bed and smuggled up to her. Since she's facing away from me, I wrapped an arm around her. She's already asleep again, poor thing. I kissed her shoulder and fell asleep too.

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