Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning feeling way better than two days ago. I let out a yawn and stretched. I sighed with relief after hearing a couple of pops. I looked over at Demi. She looked like she wasn't sleeping well. Her face showed discomfort. "Babe? Are you OK?"

"No, I hurt all over." She whined. Demi then grunted, and I could see she was holding back tears. "Hold me, like I did when you hurt your knee."

"I will, but not yet. Let me get some painkillers from the kitchen. I'll be right back, alright?" I left a kiss on her temple and pulled myself out of bed.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the medical junk drawer. In it are some allergy meds, a first aid kit, and painkillers. I grabbed two from the bottle and got a cup of water for Demi. "Hey, bestie, how did you sleep?"

I looked up to see Jake in the kitchen. They are rubbing their eyes and yawning. Oh, right, it's Tuesday. They have therapy. "I slept great. How did you sleep?"

"I slept like shit. So you know, the usual." They shrugged, and I nodded because I understood. Unfortunately, Bestie Jake doesn't sleep too well. "How about Rhea?"

"Not too good. Demi is hurting from all of the action this weekend. I'll give her some Advil, then hold her to help with the pain. I'll be out in an hour to take you to therapy."

"Yeah, sounds good. I hope Rhea feels better. Wait, hold up. Hold her to help the pain? I'm confused, bestie." Oh, right, I forgot. Bestie Jake doesn't know about the healing properties between soulmates.

"Soulmate bonds have healing properties, I think. Either that, or it helps deal with pain. When I hurt my knee at the Royal Rumble, Demi helped me. I told her to put her hand on my knee, and the pain disappeared." My bestie nodded, seemingly impressed.

"Oh, that sounds cool. I didn't know soulmates could do that. If that's true, then you should go to her. I'm sure cuddling will help, as you said." I nodded and headed back to my room.

I walked around the bed to Demi's side and tapped her shoulder. "Babe, sit up. I got you some Advil. Take some, and I'll give you cuddles until I have to take Bestie Jake to therapy." I watched as Demi rolled over onto her back. "I'll help you sit up." I used my free hand and stuffed it under Demi, where her upper back was. "On the count of three. One, two, three!" I helped Demi sit up. I handed her the two pills and water. She took them and got back under the covers.

I made my way around the bed and joined her. Demi immediately moved closer to me so I could hold her. She rested her head on my upper chest and slung an arm around my stomach. One of her legs was in between mine. I wrapped my arms around her. She sighed, and I felt her relax against me. "Yeah, much better. Can you rub my back under my shirt?" I hummed a reply and fiddled with Demi's shirt. I inserted my hands under her shirt and rubbed her back. She sighed with relief. "That feels nice." I lightly scratched Demi's back, earning another sigh. She relaxed more, and it felt like she melted into me.

"My poor baby." I kissed her forehead and did my best to make her feel better. "You're such a trooper for what you did in the chamber and yesterday on Raw. I can tell how much you were struggling."

"All for you, love. You were my reason to push on. I wanted to make you proud, so I did my best. At any point, if I thought of quitting, I'd think of you and keep going. The problem is, I was miserable being so far away from you. I had trouble eating and sleeping. I felt like a truck ran me over half of the time. I don't know if you could tell, but I was distracted during the chamber match. I thought of you and how much I missed you and wished you were there. Bianca and Liv pointed that out and made sure I was alright. They made sure I ate and stayed hydrated. I was on my own for sleeping, though." Demi's voice became slurred as her body became less tense. I smiled, knowing she was relaxing enough to fall asleep. The best part is I know it's my fault.

Demi falling asleep in my arms is such a wholesome sight. At least I know she's not hurting at the moment. "Bestie," I heard a light knock before Jake poked their head into my room. "I'm making waffles. Do you want any?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'll take two."

"Ok, cool. Does Rhea want any?" I looked at her sleeping form and shook my head.

"I'll make some when she wakes up. I'm going to let her sleep." I whispered to Jake.

After they left to go to the kitchen, I heard Jake talk to themself. "Holy shit, I wasn't dreaming. Rhea Ripley is still in my house."

I chuckled and waited for Jake to make the waffles. When they finished, they came back to my room to fetch me. I gently untangled myself from Demi so I could join Bestie Jake. "I'm entertained that you're still freaking out over my girlfriend being here."

"Well, I'm glad my emotions entertain you, bestie." We dug into our waffles together.

"You know I love you, bestie. I wouldn't dream of hurting you." We softly laughed together.

"I know, bestie. I love you too." We finished eating and cleaned up. I checked on Demi to ensure she was OK before taking Jake to therapy.

"Ok, let me know when you're done with your session. I'll come pick you up. Let me know if you need anything." I looked at my bestie.

"Thanks, I should be fine. I'll let you know if it gets heavy or not." They got out of the car and left.

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