Chapter 8

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As the week flew by, Demi and I got closer and closer. At this point, we're acting like teenagers with high school crushes. The first love that everyone looks forward to growing up. The one that seems perfect with little flaws. Soulmate relationships are depicted as such in media. Little do people know the reality of it. It's not perfect in the slightest. It can get messy at times. Bickering, arguing, and emotions going all over the place can happen. Not that it's happened between Demi and I yet.

As amazing as the week is, I have to go home soon. We decided Wednesday was a good day since we wanted a day to rest after Raw. We went on a date Tuesday. We went out for breakfast, walked the dogs, and then we went back to Demi's to watch horror movies. It was amazing to spend time with Demi and I had fun on my first date with her. Actually, this is my first date ever with anyone.

"You know, this is my first time going on a date with someone?" I turned to Rhea and smiled.

"Oh really?" She quirked an eyebrow.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, really. Any other relationship I had was from junior high through high school. They'd last a week or two and I never even got to go on a date. Longest relationship I had was a month."

Demi kissed the side of my head with a smile. "I'm honored to be the one to take you on your first date."


That night, I had trouble sleeping. There is a storm outside and the high winds are keeping me awake. Just when I thought I could fall asleep, I heard a rumble of thunder. "Shit, looks like I'm not sleeping." For context, I have had a fear of thunderstorms since I was a little kid. Don't know why, it's just been a thing.

As the thunder got closer, my heartrate picked up in speed. I wanted to wake up Demi so she can comfort me, but I'm too scared to move. She's facing away from me, so all I could manage to do is lay on my back and hope the storm finishes soon.

Right after I finished that thought, the room illuminated momentarily from the lightning and a loud crash of thunder followed. I whimpered and quickly shut my eyes and covered my ears.

I tried to control my breaths, but I found it difficult. "Ryder?" I felt Demi tap my arm. I unplugged my ears and opened my eyes. "You alright, love? You're shaking!" She said in a gentle tone. I was about to answer, when another rumble of thunder came through. I flinched and rolled over to face Demi. "Are you scared of storms, love?"

"Yeah, it's been a thing since I was little. I thought I would be over it by now, but I guess it stayed with me."

Demi nodded and scooted closer to me. "Come here, love." I moved closer to cuddle with Demi. Her strong arms wrapped around me and held me close. I felt myself relax and I let out a sigh of relief. "I got you love. Try to get some sleep, alright?"

I snuggled closer and closed my eyes, finally relaxing and allowing myself to succum to sleep.


The next time I woke up, it was a few hours later. Another storm is rolling through. This time, I don't feel scared. Demi is holding me from behind and she's letting me use her other arm as a pillow. Even while sleeping, she's worried about me.

I rolled over to face her and adjusted the blankets so they're over our shoulders. I snuggled up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. Before I fell asleep again, she unconsciously wrapped her arms around me and held me close. I smiled and felt my heart skip a beat. Absorbing her warmth and feeling safe again, I fell asleep once more.


I'm pretty sure it's gonna rain all day. When I woke up again, the pitter patter of raindrops could still be heard from outside.

The sound has went from making me feel nervous, to feeling calm. Especially since Demi is still holding me. Her arms are still secured around me. If we don't get up soon, I might end up staying longer. I mean, I wouldn't mind that, but I gotta get back to Jake. I need to update them with everything and my family too.

I know Demi is awake already. She's rubbing small circles into my back and I can tell her breathing pattern is different from earlier. "My brave little soldier." She kissed the top of my head. "How did you sleep, love?"

"I slept OK. What about you?" I kissed Demi's shoulder.

"Other than waking up once for you, I slept well."

I chuckled, remembering the events from last night. "You must have worried about me when you were sleeping. At some point, another storm rolled through. I had moved closer to hold you and you instantly pulled me closer."

"That doesn't surprise me. I've been told in the past that I'm a cuddler."

I hummed and let go of Demi so I could get up. As I was moving to get up, Demi grabbed me to keep me from leaving. "Babe, let me go. I gotta get up."

"No, you're staying here. I don't want you to go." It sounded like Demi is whining. She even buried her face into the back of my neck.

"At least let me go to the bathroom. I promise I'll come right back." Demi grumbled, but she released me so I could go use the bathroom real quick. Once I finished, I went back to the bed and crawled under the blankets. Demi moved so she was mostly laying on top of me. Her head is on my chest, arms around my waist, and one leg in between mine. "Demi, what are you doing?"

"Cuddling with you." I sighed and decided to accept my fate. I wrapped one arm around her and used my free hand to run my fingers through her hair.

"What's got you so clingy all of the sudden?" Demi seemed to melt into me when I started using my nails on her scalp. I felt her relax and sigh with content.

"I don't want you to leave yet. You're still here, but I already miss you. I know it's only been a week, but i have feelings for you and they're growing every day." I felt my heart break after she said that. It made me realize that I feel the same and that I don't wanna go.

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