Chapter 15

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(Author's Note: Hey everyone! Another amazing author by the name of RheaRipleyIsHotAF is making a spin-off of Masterpiece with their own oc. It's called Soulbound. Please hop over and show them some support because they are great and make amazing content as well. Soulbound is set in the same time as Masterpiece. And before anyone freaks out, they asked me permission and I gave the ok.)

Every time I've gone to the grandest stage of them all, it was as a guest. Mom and I would be in the back to support Dad for whatever match he had.

Now, I'm accompanying him to the ring. I'm wearing a new suit. This one has black pants, a black jacket, a dark purple shirt, and new shoes. The shoes are black with purple roses on them.

I sat beside the commentary table and watched Aj come out, and the match began. It was an excellent plan to keep working up Aj. He's a much better fight for Dad than if we had left him alone. Dad wanted the pitbull, and he got it. I was given strict orders to stay near but to let the match happen. Dad said he was confident and wanted me just to watch. So, that's what I did.

As the match neared its finish, I saw Damian come out and stand behind the ring. All he had to do was be present, which distracted Aj. It gave Dad enough time to recover and get the win. I smiled and entered the ring. Dad was kneeling, so I took my place beside him as Damian entered the ring. He knelt before my father to solidify his allegiance to us, to Judgment Day. I helped Dad up first, then stood in front of Damian. "Welcome, brother." I extended a hand, and he took it.


After a successful Wrestlemania, some of the superstars decided to celebrate. Dad and I were invited, so we decided to go. "Let's go back to the hotel to get Jake. I'm sure my bestie would love to tag along." Dad agreed, and we jumped in his rental to return to the hotel. I called Bestie Jake on the way to tell them to get dressed for an after-party. I ran up to my room and knocked on the door. "Bestie, are you ready?"

They opened the door, still in the outfit they slept in. "I didn't bring an outfit for this!"

"Calm down, bestie. I got you." I opened the closet to reveal their outfit-grey pants with a light purple shirt and black tie. There are also sneakers with asexual colors and a jacket that's half black, and the other has a purple design that looks like a leafless tree. Per the request of my bestie, I applied makeup to them. They wanted me to use a Liv Morgan type of look. "You look great. Let's go party!"

We ran down to my father's car, giggling and holding hands. Because of our behavior, we have been told we make a cute couple. We've never seen each other more than best friends. It's just how we've always been since the day we met. "Ready, kids?" Mama Beth asked us.

"Oh, hell yeah!" Bestie Jake and I responded at the same time. Dad and Mama complimented Jake's makeup, which made them very happy.

We got to the venue and went inside. Mom and Dad separated from us to talk to some friends. Bestie Jake grabbed my hand so they don't lose me. They are excited to see the wrestlers but nervous because they are very socially awkward. "Where's my girlfriend?" My eyes were scanning the crowd for my partner.

"Uh.....bestie." Jake nudged me and pointed ahead of us.

I looked to where they were pointing and found my beautiful girlfriend. She's wearing the same suit she wore while she was doing promotions for Elimination Chamber. My jaw dropped when my eyes landed on her. My heartbeat sped up, and butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. She looked up and met my eyes. She experienced the same thing when she looked at me. Demi walked right over to me. I let go of Bestie Jake's hand so I could hug her. She picked me up and spun me around, causing me to giggle like a little schoolgirl. "You look absolutely gorgeous, babe."

"Speak for yourself, love. You look beautiful." She turned her attention to Jake and hugged them. "Bestie, you look amazing. I love the outfit."

"Aww, well, thank you, Rhea." They gave me a side hug. "If it weren't for my bestie, I wouldn't be the gayest-looking party guest."

Demi nodded and agreed with Jake. "You know who else would love your look? Liv Morgan would! She's right over there. You should go talk to her." She pointed in Liv's direction.

Bestie Jake started to breathe hard, then responded with an okay. "Hey, it's ok, bestie. She's just a normal woman. Now go over there, be yourself, and make a new friend."

"Ok, ok, I can do it. I got this." They hesitated, so I knew just what to do. I grabbed their face and kissed their forehead. "Thanks, bestie." They hugged me, then left to find Liv.

Demi grabbed my waist and pulled me flush against her body. "And then there were two." As rough as she was before, she gently pecked my lips so our makeup doesn't smudge. Our lips lingered as neither one of us wanted to pull away. Unlike other times I've kissed Demi, this one felt different. It's like it wasn't enough. I wanted more. It seems like she felt it, too, after she unwillingly pulled away. "I know, love. We'll get back to that later."

We went to the bar and each ordered a shot. I held up my glass to make a toast. "To Wrestlemania, to an amazing weekend, and to us."

"May we have a long and happy life together." Demi finished the toast and we gulped down the alcohol.

We chatted for hours and had a few more drinks before cutting ourselves off. Suddenly, I heard somebody scream for me. "Bestie! Bestie!" I looked over and saw Jake rushing over to me. I asked the bartender for a glass of water and hopped down from my stool. "Y-you won't-" They were cut off by how hard they were breathing.

"Bestie, it's ok. Here, drink some water and gather your thoughts." I helped Jake through the breathing exercises we've practiced, then gave them the glass of water to calm down. "Now, what is it that's got you so worked up?"

"Mate!" I was confused from the one word answer. "Mate, bestie! I have a soulmate!"

I gasped from the excitement. "You have a soulmate? Holy shit, bestie! I'm happy for you! Who is it?"

"It's Liv Morgan! The person of my dreams is my soulmate!" We squealed like children and hugged each other tightly.

After I got my hug, Demi hugged them and picked them up. "Oh my God, bestie! That's amazing!" She put Jake down. "I'm happy for you. Liv is a great person and so are you. You are very lucky to have found each other."

"But wait, I'm aro/ace. How is this gonna work?" My bestie stopped to think and I could tell they were beginning to panic.

"Bestie, it's ok. Soulmates are rare to have. It's even more rare for people like you to get one. There's been only few recorded findings of platonic soulmates. Which makes sense because platonic love is just as important as romantic." My words reassured them and they nodded.

"Yeah, ok, that makes sense." Suddenly, Liv came up behind them and hugged them. The big smiles I see on Liv and Jake's face brings one to mine.

Liv giggled and turned her attention to Rhea and I. "Oh my god, so like, this is crazy. Never thought I'd get a soulmate. Do you guys mind if I steal Jake for the rest of the night to get to know them?"

"If Bestie Jake is OK with it, so am I." Jake began to breathe hard again. "Bestie, take a deep breath, then answer as calm as you can."

They took a deep breath, then gave an answer that was very Bestie Jake. "Oh hell yeah!" I laughed with them as they gave a great Stone Cold impression.

"Have fun, bestie. Text me if you need anything." They gave a thumbs up and hugged me before leaving with Liv. I smiled and felt a sense of joy and pride. I'm happy they got a forever person to be in their life. They deserve everything that is good and it seems like the fates have decided the same thing.

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