Chapter 2

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Saturday has officially come. Today is the Royal Rumble. I've been distracted since meeting Rhea. I can't stop thinking about her. It's driving me crazy, in the bad way. I don't want to think about her. She's been a distraction to me. I need to focus on winning. I need a title opportunity. I need it so I can make dad and Mama proud.

They've both won plenty of titles. They're big names in WWE. I strive to be like them one day.

"Sweety, what's wrong?" I snapped out of my daydream and looked at my dad. "You've been distracted and spacing out since Monday. Did something happen?"

"Yeah, you could say that." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "I have a soulmate. She's a superstar."

Dad is obviously excited. "Th-that'! Who is it? Is she someone I know?"

"It's Rhea Ripley." I stopped dad before he could explode from excitement. "Don't freak out, dad. You know how I feel about having a soulmate. I still don't want one. All she's done for me is be a distraction and somehow living rent free in my head."

"It's not a bad thing, honey. You know how rare soulmates are. I like to think the people who have one are special. They have a soulmate for a reason." Mama walked over to us and asked what's going on. "Ryder found her soulmate."

"Oh.....are you ok? I know you've said you didn't want a soulmate, sweety." At least mama understands.

"No, I'm not ok. I wish I didn't have one and I wish it wasn't Rhea Ripley. I've been fighting the bond since I met her. I'm so exhausted, mama." I whined and leaned against her.

Mama wrapped an arm around me and rubbed my back to show me support. "Baby, you're exhausted because you're fighting against fate itself. If you keep fighting, then you'll start hurting yourself. I know you don't like it, but you should give Rhea a chance. I hear she's a nice woman."

"No, I refuse to. I have my career to think about. I wanna do well and win titles. I want the respect of the other superstars. I can't let her get in the way. If I fight the bond long enough, then maybe it'll break on its own?" I whined and sat up to look at my parents.

"You know that's not how it works." Mama told me. "You're also an adult and can make your own decisions. As much as I don't agree, this is your situation, not mine." I hugged Mama, seeking comfort from her.

"Just let me handle this my way. Hopefully this won't last." I pulled away and sighed. "The Rumble is soon. I'll see you both later. I'll come out with you for your match against Miz and Maryse."

"Good luck, Ryder." Dad gave me a kiss on the forehead and a double fist bump. "Make me proud, kid."


Fuck this, I'm so pissed at Rhea! I was doing so great in the Rumble until she came in. I was completely distracted and worried about protecting her that I forgot about myself. I threw myself in the way of the Bella Twins and let then eliminate me so Rhea could stay in.

To make matters worse, I landed wrong and hurt myself on the way down. I landed directly on my knee. It hurt so bad, I had to have a couple referees help me limp to the back.

I was brought to medical and sat on a stretcher so the EMT's and doctors can see how bad I hurt my knee. The team made sure to notify my parents. Dominik and Rey came too. Rey and Dad are trying to console me, but nothing is working. "Don't worry, Ryder, you'll be ok. It doesn't look too bad."

"No, but it hurts like hell, Uncle Rey." I flinched when the paramedic touched my knee. Unwanted tears rolled down my face.

"I know what will help. Hang on, sweety." Mama Beth left, going who knows where for something. Hopefully it's painkillers.

Uncle Rey and Dom had to leave to go get ready for the men's Rumble.

Dad stayed with me and held me as the doctors discussed what to do with me. My eyes were closed as i tried to focus on anything except for the pain. "Daddy, it hurts. Make it stop." I begged, sounding like a little kid.

"I know, honey, I know." Dad rubbed my arm, clearly feeling helpless. "Oh good, you're back."

"Yeah, and I brought someone who can help." I felt Mama Beth run her fingers through my hair. "Ryder, open your eyes, baby." I did as I was told. "I know you won't like this, but I brought Rhea."

I looked up at the Australian. She looked upset and I can feel her distress. "Mama, I don't want her here."

"Give her a chance, Ryder. You're being unfair to Rhea. You don't even know her. Remember those stories I told you? Soulmates can help in more ways than one." Dad reminded.

I grumbled and looked at Rhea. "Ok, fine. I just want the pain to go away. Somebody make it go away."

"What should I do?" Rhea asked my dad.

"I'd say take my place and hold her. Is that ok, Ryder?" Dad asked me. I looked from Rhea to dad. I hesitated, but nodded.

Dad stood up and let Rhea take his place. Rhea slowly sat beside me and wrapped an arm around me. I instantly felt better. "Put your hand on my leg." I begged her. She obliged, which earned a noticeable sigh of relief. "Fuck, that feels so much better." I automatically leaned against Rhea, melding into her.

"I got you, Parker, don't worry." Her voice sounds so soothing and I felt my whole body relax.

"Ryder. My name is Ryder Copeland." I said in a soft tone.

"I'm Demi Bennett. Nice to meet you, Ryder." I looked at my parents, who are smiling at me. I looked down as I tried to hide a smile from them.

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