Chapter 16

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A little while later, Liv and Jake left to spend time together. Now that leaves Demi and me. "Hey, love, wanna get out of here?"

I nodded with a smile. "Yeah, sure." Demi took my hand and led me to her truck. We drove back to the hotel in silence. There's a tension in the air like we're bracing for what will happen once we get to Demi's room.

After we exited her truck, she took my hand, and we walked to the elevator. We went to my room first so I could grab my suitcase. Bestie Jake is sitting on their bed with Liv. "Hey, bestie!"

"Hey, bestie, hope you have fun with Liv. I'm gonna go spend the night with Demi. Love you!" I waved and made my way to the door.

"Love you too! Have fun with Rhea!" My bestie said before I left.

Demi retook my hand, linking our fingers together. We made our way to her room, which was a floor above mine. She unlocked the door, then allowed me to enter first. I sat my bag on one of the beds. Both were made, so I didn't think it would matter. I fished through my bag to my makeup remover wipes and took them to the bathroom. Demi came in with me and we removed our makeup together. "Oh God, that feels much better." I chuckled, but agreed with Demi. It feels amazing to take everything off. "Speaking of which-" she turned to me. "-would you like to continue what we started earlier?"

"Yeah, I would." She smiled at my response and gently grabbed my waist. My hands found her shoulders as Demi kissed me. Our lips moved in harmony and it felt like a fire was lit in my stomach. The same desire we had earlier came back. Demi lifted me up and carried me to the bed. She gently placed me down on the bed. My girfriend removed her suit jacket. She then removed mine and my tie. Demi then crawled on top of me and captured my lips in a kiss full of passion and vigor. It feels amazing, but my heart began racing faster and not in a good way. Her hands made their way under my shirt. At that point, I began to shake. I pull away form air. "Wait, stop."

Demi noticed my shivers and my scared expression. "Hey, what's wrong, love? You're shaking! Are you alright?"

"I can't do this. I'm not ready." I closed my eyes and prepared myself for rejection.

"Ryder, baby, look at me." I open my eyes and look at my soulmate. "If you're not ready, then we'll stop. I'm not mad, I promise." She placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I'm proud of you. Thank you for communicating with me."

I smiled and rested our foreheads together. "Thank you for listening."

"Always," She said in a soft voice.


Some of the superstars are going to the performance center to train. That includes Demi and I. I also got permission to bring Raine with me. She's sitting next to me in the car, obviously anxious. "Dude, take a chill pill. You'll be ok. It's just our coworkers." I pulled into the parking lot and found a spot.

"Yeah, I know. You know how it is with meeting new people." We got out of the car.

"Just remember to breathe, ok? You can stay with me, bestie." Raine nodded and made sure to walk beside me. We walked inside and saw different wrestlers working out, training, and running around. "Hey, Uncle!" I walked up to Uncle Rey.

"Hi, Ryder, how are you doing, sweetheart?" I hug him, then I hug Dominik.

"Doing good, thanks. Hey, this is my friend, Raine." I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you." Raine smiled and shook his hand.

"Wanna train with me later?" Dom playfully punched my shoulder.

"Hell yeah! I'd love to kick your ass, cousin." I grabbed Dom and put him in a headlock. He fought against it and wriggled his way out of my grip.

"Alright, kids, enough playing. We have some training to do, Dom. We'll see you later, Ryder. Nice meeting you, Raine." Uncle Rey and Dom walked away to go train.

I continued walking with Raine until we got to one of the rings that's tucked away in a corner. Demi was practicing with Liv, Sasha, and Naomi. "Hey, guys!" They all say hi to me. "Sasha, I wanna try my new finisher. Can you be my test dummy?"

"Yeah, sure, I can to that." Everyone looks tired and sweaty. "Alright, out of my ring, unless you're Parker." They got out of the ring and I crawled in. "Ok, what are you thinking?"

"So, I wanna use my mom's Glam Slam with a twist. Instead of turning you over for a pin, I wanna turn it into a Calf Crusher. I'm calling it the Glam Crusher." Sasha nodded, seeming to like it.

"Alright, let's do it." I went behind her to set up for the Glam Slam. I used it and did as I said before. I turned and sat on her back and used the calf crusher. She tapped out, so I got off and helped her up. "That's a wicked move you got there."

"Thanks I came up with it while watching some of my mom's matches, and my dad's match with Aj. I wanted my own thing. I guess it works. Thanks again, Sash." We gave each other a side hug and then I left the ring.

"Finally!" Demi pulled me into a hug. "Hello, love, I missed you."

I pulled back just enough so I could kiss Demi. "I missed you too."

"I'm happy to see you've worked everything out, bestie. I haven't seen you this happy before." I smiled at Raine and let go of my partner.

"Oh you'll love this, then. Bestie Jake has a soulmate now. We were at the Wrestlemania after party and they wanted to meet Liv. They are soulmates!" Raine's eyes lit up.

"Oh my god, that amazing! I'm so ha-" Raine got cut off by somebody running into her.

"Sorry! I'm in a hurry!" Shotzi apologized and rushed to find someone.

I noticed Raine is frozen. "I think that was my soulmate." In my shocked state, I didn't speak. "Wait, I can't have a soulmate. I have a boyfriend. I'm with Elias."

Suddenly Shotzi gripped her chest and fell to her knees. "Oh God! My chest hurts. I can't breathe."

"Raine!" I realized what was happening. I stepped in front of her view. "Raine, dont!" I put my hands on her shoulders. "Raine, stop hurting her. You don't wanna do this." All at once, Raine stopped and Shotzi took a deep breath. I looked at Demi, then at Raine. "Come on, let's go get some air. We need to talk." I lead them outside.

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