Chapter 3.

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He is in his room, staring at the white ceiling, but lost in thought.
He thought about what would happen if he didn't find his love, his soul mate soon.
He will be trapped in that life forever like being a grim reaper who escorts the dead's souls? or? He will...disappear?  Who knows...

He heard a few knocks on the door.

- Come in...*he answers*

- What were you thinking???

- Hi, Miya. I've missed you...*he answered rolling his eyes*

Miya - Magnus!!! I am not joking... You can't save someone's life like that...And I heard that the girl saw you!! Twice. We are not allowed to show ourselves to people.
Be careful next time. *she said angrily*

Magnus - I will accept the consequences.

Miya - It's not about consequences, Mags... You're here to find him while you do your job.

Magnus - Remember me, why are you here?*he asked irritated*

Miya - Because... I don't want to reincarnate in who knows what. And I can't let my brother alone. I want to help you... 

Magnus - I am sorry... I am just... Almost 100 years have passed... Do you think I will see him this time? Do you think I will find him after all those years...

Miya - Yes. This time and in this life you will.

Magnus - And what about you? You didn't try to find your daughter or him.

Miya - I am happy being a Grim Reaper, you know I used to be the Princess of Edom once. And... I know she is happy...
I've accepted my death, but you haven't.
Do you know how hard was for me to talk with our director to give you a chance??? You were in darkness for too long...

Magnus - And I appreciate it...

Miya - Then let's find your love... And you can continue to live your life... On Earth...with him. *she said smiling*.

Magnus - Here we go again...

Miya - Stop doing that again!!! You can't go where you want to do what you want!

Magnus - Okay. I got it... I am sorry.

Miya - Good. Now I will go to sleep.

Magnus - Goodnight, Miya.

He knew that Miya was right. Like always... He needed to find his love, his soul mate, but he will do it this time?

Magnus couldn't sleep so he decided to go out for a walk, in that beautiful garden. In the middle of it was a woman, reading a book.

Woman - Can't you sleep?

Magnus - No. My thoughts are killing me... I don't know if I can do it...

Woman - You can. Just have trust.

Magnus - Trust??? I am done...I started forgetting things about him... I don't know his name... His eyes color...

Woman - You'll recognize it the second you see it. Take it easy, Magnus. Maybe this time will be the last.

She closed her book and got up from the chair.

Woman - Go and find him. Trust in your love, in his love. Don't lose hope. *she patted Magnus's shoulder and after that, the woman disappeared.*

Miya - What are you doing here???*she asked rubbing her eyes*.

Magnus - Nothing... I am just thinking. You?

Miya - I can't sleep... Do you want to take a walk in the mundane world?

Magnus - Hmm... I don't know...

Miya - Come on. You can't sleep... I can't sleep... Here is boring. I won't stay here to talk with roses...

Magnus - Okay... Let's go out, for a real walk.

Miya - And a beer.

Magnus - You told me to not...*but she stopped him*

Miya - I told you to not save anyone's life like that. And don't let anyone see this. But we can be someone else and drink a beer. Come on.

Miya said and Magnus nodded.

° Alec:

After Alec finished his dance with that boy, he returned to the table where Isa was watching him.

Alec - What???

Isa - You look happy... And I like it.

Alec - Thank you and yes, I am. I have my best friend here, I had a great dance and... I don't know...

Isa - And maybe good sex???

Alec - What??? No!! Nope...

Isa - Why not?? That man is...*but Alec interrupted her*

Alec - I don't need a boyfriend or sex. I need my bf and a drink. I love you, Isa. I love Izzy more, but I love you too.

Isa - You are drunk, Lightwood. Let's go home.

Alec - One more drink...okay? I will go to the bathroom.

How Isa could say "no" with his puppy eyes.

Isa - Okay. I will go out to smoke. You'll be fine for 5 minutes?

Alec - I will be fine.

Isa goes out to smoke and Alec to the bathroom.
As she walked out the door, she bumped into someone who wanted to get in.

Isa - I am so sorry. I didn't see you...

- It's okay. You can't see through a door. *the girl said chuckling*

Isa - Yeah, good point.*she said smiling*

As they passed each other, Isa felt a strange shiver run through her body.

Isa - That was weird.

° Magnus:

Magnus - What??*he asked looking at Miya*

Miya - Nothing... That was weird...

Magnus - What?*he asked again*

Miya - That girl... Nevermind. Let's go.

Magnus - I have to go to the bathroom. You can order the drinks until then.

He said and Miya nodded.

Magnus entered the bathroom and washed his hands.
He stopped looking into the mirror.

Magnus - You look like a mess...*he let his head down* No, you are a mess.

For a second Magnus forgot about his makeup and he splash cold water on his face.

Magnus - God... I look like a monster now. *he said looking in the mirror again.*

With only two toilets and both occupied, Magnus decided to wipe off what was left of his makeup with tissues. He wanted to use his magic but he remembered what Miya told him: " We are not allowed to show ourselves to people." What if one of the boys sees him using his magic? Miya will kill him.

Being so focused on his "work", he didn't notice someone leaning against the door frame watching him.

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