Chapter 16

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° Alec

He pours a drink and goes to the terrace. Remember Magnus's reaction at the hospital, Alec took his phone and called him.

*on the phone*

Alec - Hi, Mags... How are you?

Magnus - Uhm, hi. I have a horrible headache... How about you? And Isa? How is she?

Alec - In her room... She didn't want to talk. I don't know what happened to her.

Magnus - I am sorry for running like that... I just...

Alec - It's okay if you are okay. Do you want to eat with us? Or with me?

Magnus - I would love to, but Isa...

Alec - She is gonna be fine. Don't worry. See you in 30 minutes?

Magnus - Okay. See you.

*end of the call*

° Isa

Isabelle gently caressed Isa's hair.

Isa - Hmmm...

Izzy - Did I wake you up?

Isa - No... I didn't sleep...

Izzy - You don't want to talk with me about what happened?

Isa - Why are you and Alec insists?

Izzy - Because we love you and we want to know.

Isa - It's...complicated, sweetheart. Try to stay away from Magnus.*she get up to look at Izzy*

Izzy - Can you tell me why? *she asked but Isa didn't answer*. Okay, I trust you... But you can talk with us.

Isa - I know. *she pressed her lips on Izzy's*

Izzy grabbed Isa's hair, pulling her close deepening the kiss.

Isa goes forward with her kisses to Izzy's chin and neck.

Izzy - Hmmm...

Isa - Let me hear you, babe.

Izzy - You will...

Isa traced kisses back to Izzy's mouth.
Tongues come together playfully to tease one another.

Isa began to unbutton her shirt, button by button.

Isa - Today no bra for me?

Izzy - When Alec called me, I got out of the shower. I just got a shirt on, and jeans and came in a hurry.

Isa - You were worried about me?*she asked kissing Izzy's neck*

Izzy - I was scared, you idiot.

Isa - I am sorry. 

She started to kiss Izzy's collar bone, breasts, and abdomen. Paying attention to every moaning from Izzy's mouth.

The scent of her shower gel was dizzying. Chocolate and Vanilla were too much for Isa.

Isa - Tell me if you want me to stop. Or just stop me.

Izzy - Well, don't. *she said giggling*. You tickle me.*she continue and Isa smiled on her skin*

Isa unzipped Izzy's pants...

Isa - Can I...?*she asked softly and Izzy nodded*. If it's too much...

Izzy - No, it's not. I want this.

Isa - You sure?

Izzy - I am. I want this, I want you.

Isa - Good. What do you want, sweetheart? Do you want my mouth on you or...

Izzy - Yes, please.

Isa - Okay, princess.*she said smirking*.

Izzy loved the way Isa makes her feel.
She loves that pleasure that Isa gave to her, and Isa loved the way Izzy's body reacts to her touch, her kisses, her movements, to her fingers.

She loved when Izzy moaned in her mouth, even when she reached to her limit.

Isa - You are incredible, Isabelle.

Izzy - You too.*she gave Isa a short kiss on the lips*. Can I do something for you?

Isa - No... I will go to the bathroom, I will be right back.

Izzy - Okay...

Isabelle felt a little left out. She thought maybe Isa was just using her to make herself feel better.
Izzy was lost in thoughts when Isa came back. She sat next to Izzy and hugged her.

Isa - What are you thinking about?

Izzy - Nothing.

Isa - Izz, tell me... Don't do this, please...

Izzy - Why did you...? You did that because...

Isa - Don't tell me that you are thinking about using you. Isabelle, I love you...and I would never do that.
Go and take a shower if you want. I will wait here.

Izzy - I love you too.*she said smiling*.

30 minutes later Isabelle and Isa go out of the room laughing but Isa stopped when she saw Magnus with Alec.

Alec - Hei, are you okay?*he asked but Isa didn't answer. She just looked at Magnus*. Isa? Are you here?

Isa - Yes. I am fine...*she moved her gaze to Izzy* Babe, I want to go to talk with Catarina.

Alec - Don't you want to eat something?

Isa - I am not hungry.*she answers coldly*

Izzy - Please. Eat with us, with me.

Isa - I already have my snack.*she winked smirking at Izzy and Alec raising his eyebrow*.

Izzy - I was talking about food.*she laughed*. Please... Stay with me...

Isa - Fine... I will stay and eat for you.

Alec - What happened between you two????*he asked Isabelle*

Magnus - Really, Alexander? What do you think?

Alec - Oh, no... My mind!!!!

Isa - Idiot.

Isabelle, Alec, and Magnus eat but Isa... just plays with her food on the dish.

Izzy - Isa...

Isa - I told you, I am not hungry. *she said coldly and a little angry*. I am sorry...*continues after she realized how her voice sounded*. I can'

Izzy took Isa's hand.

Izzy - It's okay. I am worried about you...

Isa - I know... Can I go, now?... I need to talk with...Cat.

Magnus - With Cat?*he asked suddenly*

Isa - Yes. We have something to talk about. Why? Do you want to tell me something?

Magnus - Like what?

Isa - Like why does your father says that you are dead but you are here?
Why are you hiding from Cat?

Alec - Isa!!! Stop!

Isa - Why? Are you afraid of what Magnus can hide? Quite magical, huh? Who are you, Magnus? What are you?

Alec - Leave...*he said angrily to Isa*.

Isa - What?? Are you...

Alec - Just leave...please.

Isa - Great. I really wanted to leave. Isabelle, see you later...

Izzy - Alec!!! Seriously?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!*she left after Isa*

Magnus - Alexander... I don't want to...

Alec - No... Don't say anything... Let her go talk to Cat... She has been like this for a few days... I hate to see her like this, and I don't like hearing her say that about you...

Magnus - Alec...

Alec - Just shut up and kiss me.

Alec pressed his lips on Magnus's. No tongue, no teeth, just a gentle kiss. Alec's lips moved in tandem with Magnus's. 

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