Chapter 4.

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The boy - I am sorry... Continue.

Magnus - Uhm... Okay... Do you want to...

Boy - No... I mean yes, but I can wait.

Magnus - This will take a while, so, please.

Boy - And you are not a monster. It was just a bad day, right?

Magnus - Did you... listen...? *he asked looking at the boy through the mirror*

Boy - No, no. I just... You said that out loud, and I... heard. I am sorry...

Magnus stepped aside, letting the boy wash his hands. In all that time, Magnus still looked at him.

Boy - I am Alec.

Magnus - Uhm... I-I am Magnus. *if Magnus wasn't only a soul, he was sure he could feel his heart wanting to burst out of his chest. *

Alec - Nice to meet you. *He said turning to face him*. Uh... I should go... I think she's mad at me.

Magnus - Your girlfriend??

"-Really??? Why the hell did you ask that?!" *Magnus thought.

Alec - Nooo. No. Just my friend, best friend. We came here for a drink.

Magnus - That's nice.

Alec took a tissue and wipe Magnus's cheek.
Magnus got lost in Alec's hazel eyes but when he came back to Earth...

Magnus - I ca-can do it. You should....go. Thank you.

Alec - Are you sure?*he asked and Magnus nodded*. See you around then.

Alec left the bathroom and Magnus just stood there thinking about his hazel eyes, his name, and even his breath.

° Isa

She was already at the bar waiting for Alec.

Isa - Where have you been??? Are you okay?

Alec - I saw an angel...

Isa - We'll order a lemonade. Two, sorry.*she said to the barman*.

Alec - Lemonade??? But...

Isa - Yes. We've had enough, both of us. Especially you.

Alec - He is beautiful. Dark brown eyes..., dark brown hair with red highlights...

Isa took the lemonade.

Isa - Let's go on the terrace.

Alec - They have something like that?!?!

Isa - It's a secret place. Beautiful and secret. Let's go.

Magnus finished wiping off his makeup, made sure he was alone in the bathroom and snapped his fingers just once opting only for eyeliner.
When he arrived at the bar, Miya gave him a death glare.

Miya - Where have you been?

Magnus - Bathroom. Washing my face and...

Miya - You...

Magnus - Yes. Oh, I find someone.*he said and Miya rolled her eyes*

Miya - You can't play with mundanes...

Magnus - I thought you know me...

Magnus sounds hurt. At first, Miya thought maybe Mags joking... But he didn't...

Miya - Mags, I am... I didn't mean to...

Magnus - Look... I know that I am your responsibility, I know that you have to keep an eye on me, I know what you did for me, and I appreciate it. 

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